MATH 470 Lecture 14
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Cute way to state Reimann Hypothesis
For sufficiently large, the leading half digits of and agree
Complexity Summary
Each branch of the following tree represents "is a subset of"
P `-- ZPP `-- RP |-- NP | `-- NPC `-- BPP `-- BQP
Properness of any inclusion here (that is, whether equality could be a possibility) is unknown: The classic P = NP problem!
By the way, all are subsets of exponential time
- P
- Polynomial Time
- Family of decision problems doable in time polynomial to the input size
- EX: existence of square root mod prime
- Zero-Error Probability Polynomial Time
- "Las Vegas Algorithms" (uses chance, but supposedly doesn't cheat you)
- {{ P }} via a randomized algorithm which says: "correct answer" (Pr ≥ 0.5) or "run me again" (Pr ≤ 0.5)
- RP
- Randomized Polynomial Time
- "Monte Carlo Algorithms"
- {{ P }} via a randomized algorithm for which "yes" is always correct, but "no" is wrong with Pr ≤ 0.5
- EX: compositeness testing via Solovay-Strassen.
- NP
- Non-Deterministic Polynomial Time
- NOT' "not P"
- Family of decision problems where a "yes" answer (certificate) can be checked in polynomial time
- EX: compositeness: to check whether is composite, someone could just give you the factors.
- EX: primality: Pratt's Theorem in which certificate is with primes dividing (checking for )
- EX: #NP-Completeness
- Bounded-Error Probability Polynomial Time
- "Evil cousin of ZPP"
- {{ P }} via a randomized algorithm which yields correct answers with Pr ≥ 0.75
- Bounded-Error Probability Quantum Polynomial Time
- Family of Enumerative problems doable in polynomial time to the input size on a quantum computer.
- EX: Factoring and Discrete Logarithm (Shor, 1994)
Biggest Open Problems
(most believe not equal) (most believe equal)
More on Primality
- Pratt (1977) showed that primality is in NP
- Adleman and Huang (1992) showed that primality is in RP with use of algebraic curves (Yes: always right, no: wrong Pr ≤ 0.5)
- Adleman-Huang + Solovay-Strassen shows that primality is in ZPP
(See CSCE 411 Lecture 32#3SAT→)
Cook's Theorem (1972): 3-SAT is NP-Hard [1] and, in fact, is NP-Complete [2]
Bounded Square Root mod
Maunders and Adleman (1978):
Given , decide if has a square root mod .
Impaglizzo's Five Worlds
- Algorithmica
- If P = NP, tasks requiring creativity could potentially be automated
- Heuristica
- IF P ≠ NP, but we can solve most NP-Complete problems in poly-time (for only a few special cases)
- Pessiland
- P = NP and there are no 1-way functions
- if every function is reversible, then no cryptography
- Cryptomania
- Factoring large integers is hard on average (and so are discrete logarithms and ....)
- Good for cryptographers
- Minicrypt
- ...
- Paranoia
- The NSA has a quantum computer...
- Weirdland
- We find a poly algorithm for 3-SAT, but it runs in
Audio Encryption
In practice, for audio signals, we use different techniques that what we've covered so far
AN/PRC-148 Multiband Team Radio Uses Triple-DES because it's fast.
RSA is most often used for (secret) key transmission and digital signatures for integrity/authorization
El Gamal
- large prime
- generator for
random large integer in [2, p-2]
are public
Transmit: send (x c^r, g^r) for some random