MATH 470 Lecture 10

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Happy feast of St. Valentine!

Homework 5 out tonight

Cyclic Groups

We've heard twice that for prime is a cyclic group since it has a generator.

EX: : 3 and 5 work as generators in that their powers give all elements in .

How many generators are there?


A subgroup of our group is any subset closed under multiplication.

EX: {powers of 32} form a subgroup of (; 8 elements)

Observe that 3 is a generator for , 9 = 32 produces a subgroup with 8 elements 5 = 35 is also a generator for

How many different powers does an element of …?

The multiplicative order of in any group is the least positive with equal to the identity mod

For , we get

  1. ORD17 3 = 16
  2. ORD17 5 = 16
  3. ORD17 9 = 8
Note: Number of elements in subgroup {powers of } of is exactly the order of mod .

Why Care?

  1. Understanding cyclic subgroups clarifies square roots mod
  2. El Gamal cryptosystem is based on cyclic groups
  3. More complicated cryptosystems (and methods for breaking them) are based on more general groups.

Returning to last lecture, we wanted to compute . We found that 104729 is prime and equivalent to 1 mod 4, and thus had to use Tonelli's Algorithm:

p = 104729 g = 42 (non-square mod p) p - 1 = 2^3 \cdot 13091 e = 0: can be broken into two subgroups: {geneven power} and {gen odd power}. Even powers are squares, odd powers are non-squares.

  |-- {gen ^ (even power)}
  |   |-- {gen ^ (multiple of 4)}
  |   |   |-- {gen ^ (multiple of 8)}
  |   |   |-- ...
  |   |   `-- {gen ^ (k + multiple of 8)}, where k in {1,...,7}
  |   `-- {gen ^ (2 + multiple of 4) }
  `-- {gen ^ (odd power)}
      |-- {gen ^ (1 + multiple of 4)}
      |   `-- ...
      `-- {gen ^ (3 + multiple of 4)}
          `-- ...

Generating Random Prime Numbers

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic: There are infinitely many primes

The Prime Number Theorem: [1]

We can do better:

Let .

And is actually tighter than .

In 1901, Von Koch showed that

That is,

This implies an easy way to generate random primes: Pick random numbes in {1, …, N} and check primality!


, so we actually have a pretty good chance.

Pr[\text{random non-square} a \in \{1, \ldots, p-1\}] = \frac{1}{2}

In trials,

Testing Primality

How do you test primality?

Primality vs. factoring :: decision vs. enumeration

We know how to decide primality for any integer in time [2]. However, we still do not know how to factor any faster than

By Fermat's Little Theorem, we know that if is prime and .

If the converse holds, maybe we can use it as a primality test—sometimes works

  • Carmichael numbers break this (e.g. yields for all , but 561 = 3 &midot; 11 · 17

Solovay-Strassen Theorem

(1977; maybe Kraitchick & Lehmer earlier...)

odd and composite → more than half of the satisfy

Where is the Jacobi symbol: it allows to be composite (non-prime)

This theorem yields a fast (randomized) primality check:

  1. pick a few random
  2. check whether .
  3. If any are not equal, is composite.
  4. Otherwise, is probably prime


  1. Proved in 1890s independently by De La Vallee Poussin and Hadamard
  2. 2002, Agrawac, Kayal, Sakena