MATH 470 Lecture 12

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Homework Questions


Use as non-square.

, so

Only one iteration of loop with

, so

Riemann Hypothesis

Generalized Riemann Hypothesis

For primes in arithmetic progression

Rabin's Variant of RSA

Provably as hard to break as factoring certain integers (RSA might be easier to break than factoring, but just don't know this for sure).

Rabin's variant makes for good midterm and homework questions!!
  1. Pick distinct primes and with roughly the same number of digits
  2. Compute and publish it, but keep and secret
  3. Bob encrypts a message via —simple!
  4. Alice solves using , Tonelli's, and the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
  5. Message will be one of square roots.


As hard to break as factoring because:

Proposition: If you can break Rabin's variant in randomized time poly in , then you can factor in randomized time poly in too!

Suppose you can break Rabin's variant for . Find the square roots of 1 mod 301337: {1, -1, 113070, -113070}

Consider , so , and so does 557 (!)

Works because if you have with , the n

If , then and implies is or !

So as long as (or mod ), you're good!

Shor's Algorithm

In 1994, Peter Shor (AT&T → MIT → Microsoft) found a quantum Randomized Polynomial Time Algorithm for factoring and (and discrete logarithms)!!

As far as we know, no one has a quantum computer large enough to implement this algorithm efficiently.

Involves continued fractions and the Quantum Fourier Transform

Decision Classes

A complexity class is a family of sets of bit strings

More practically, it can be thought of as a family of computational problems.

Our model of computation is the Turing Machine

P: Polynomial

The family of decision problems doable in time polynomial in the input size.

Legendre Symbol

Given the -bit binary expansions for and a prime , decide whether exists. That is, evaluate . This is in P

Stable Marriage Problem

men and women with list of preferences. A "stable marriage" is where the man and women are at the same position in their preference list.

It turns out that stable marriages always exists, so its actually in constant time. Finding one takes a bit longer.

ZPP: Zero-Error Probability Polynomial

The family of decision problems where an answer, correct with probability 1/2, can be found in time polynomial in input size

Algorithms (return IDK or an answer with 50% probability) of this class are called "Las Vegas" algorithms: You are never cheated.

RP: Randomized Polynomial

The family of decision problems admitting an algorithm where a "yes" answer is always correct, but a "no" is wrong with probability ≤ 1/2


Given , decide if it's composite. In particular, compare with for random : if equal, then probably prime; if not equal, then composite.

Thanks to the Solovay-Strassen Theorem, Compositeness is in RP.