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Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting
Step 0. System of equations Ax=b
Step 1. cell [1,1] is 0. That's unfortunate, so Switch rows 1 & 2
Step 2. subtract 1*(top row) from (bottom row)
Step 3. multiply (second row) by 1/2
Step 4. multiply (bottom row) by -1
Step 5. subtract (second row) from (bottom row)
Step 5. multiply (bottom row) by -1
Step 7. Perform back substitution to get
At each step, we left multiply by an elementary matrix. This elementary matrix is the identity matrix with the same operation performed on it:
and so on...
Observation: Each has two possibilities:
- row permutations
- lower triangular matrix
Note, if we perform row permutations at the start, then we can proceed with Gaussian elimination without pivoting.
Now since , we have , so
What is ?
- row-scaling:
- row-addition:
To multiply these inverses, take superposition of matrices
- combine nonzero entries not along diagonal
- multiply corresponding entries on diagonals
Therefore, given , if we can run gaussian elimination without pivoting, then and ;
In practice, we can store and in the same matrix:
In contrast, we can do Gaussian elimination without pivoting (i.e. leave diagonal entries ≠ 1). In this case, our LU decomposition is
If we have , can we get ? we should be able to (see later)
In this case, the diagonal entries of are the eigenvalues of the matrix.
Theorem: If there are eigenvalues, then there will be independent eigenvectors.
LDL Decomposition / Choleski Factorization
Above we saw a decomposition of the form . This is called LDL decomposition.
We can alternatively write this as
So in the example above, we have
Special Matrices
Diagonally Dominant
Given , for every row, we have
"strictly" variant:
We will consider only this "strict" case
Positive Definite
For any , we have
also called non-negative definite
"strictly" variant:
We will consider only this "strict" case
Theorem. If is strictly diagonally dominant or strictly positive definite, then is non-singular.
Proof. Assume to the contrary that is singular. Then has a non-trivial solution ()
Case 1: is diagonally dominant. Take . Find such that
Solve the system for . Hence
Observe that , so
Case 2: is positive definite and for some .
If is an eigenvalue of , then for some .
Hence .
quod erat demonstrandum
Going back to diagonal dominance.
If we do Gaussian elimination, we are guaranteed that we will not need any pivoting