MATH 417 Lecture 19

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Exam Discussion

Perfect score is 102 Face-smile.svg

Problem 1

and set

  1. If , then show . In this case

Solve for :

Problem 2

Interpolate polynomial using LaGrange method given all 4th-order divided differences (i.e. are 10

 x  p(x)
-2   2
 0   0       1/3
          0       5/3
 1   0        7        10
         14        ?
 2  14        ?
 ?   ?


Problem 3

Find Hermite polynomial

x  p(x)
0   2
0   2        -1/4
       -1/2          5/4
2   1         9/4
2   1

Problem 4

Taylor Series expansion given , , and .



Problem 4

, , and

Problem 5

On , we have and .

Scale to new range : , , and

Now shift to range : , , and

this has

Quiz Discussion


Part A: Show Well-Posedness

  1. Continuous with respect to

Part B: List methods

Euler's method: ,

Modified Euler's method: ,

Part C: Euler Approximation

Numerical Linear Algebra

Practical problem: solve many times given , , etc.

Naïve method

Compute .

When comes along, compute . The cost is to compute plus to multiply by

Smarter Method

Perform gaussian elimination on , keeping track of each elementary matrix operation: , , , etc.

We will be left with , where is an upper-triangular matrix. Solving once again for (i.e. finding gives a lower triangular matrix

This gives , the LU-decomposition of .

It costs operations to decompose an matrix .

We store inside :

When comes along, we have .

  1. Solve for
  2. Solve for

each takes approximately operations to solve, so our total cost is now