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How would we go about solving ?
Particular Solution
Section 3.6: Variation of Parameters
Find solution to
Homogeneous solution is
What about non-constant coefficients; i.e. what if the constants were actually functions of :
There are infinitely many possibilities for and , so we impose a restriction to limit the number of possibilities:
Using the above examples, we let and :
Simplification: We were able to simplify with the restriction .
Now we can plug our functions into the differential equation:
Use restriction as second equation in system:
We solve for and :
So general solution to original differential equation is:
Method for Solving Second Order ODEs
To determine a particular solution to
Find and for corresponding homogeneous equation
Solve the following system for and
A particular solution will be
Exercise 7
Find general solution to
Solution to homogeneous equation is , where and .
Plug in to equations for and
General solution is