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Non-Homogeneous Equations
is solution to homogeneous problem
Let's look for a constant function solution to the nonhomogeneous function:
Guess particular solution
by looking at original diff EQ.
The general solution to the non-homogeneous function is
Exercise 2
Corresponding homogeneous function is
, and solution is
We'll guess the particular solution is a constant undetermined coefficient multiplied into
is a particular solution to the non-homogeneous differential equation.
Combining the general solution to the homogeneous equation, we get
Exercie 3
General solution to
Possible particular solution is of form
, so
Bad guess. This isn't surprising since
is a solution to the homogeneous differential equation, so of course it will equal 0.
Note: To make good guesses for equations of form
, multiply it by
so that
has a degree one greater than the homogeneous solution
Let's try
is a particular solution to the non-homogeneous differential equation.
The general solution is
Exercise 5
Solution to homogeneous differential equation is
Particular solution
is a polynomial function of degree 1:
since the RHS is a polynomial of degree 1.
So our particular solution is
Exercise 6
Find a particular solution to
Solution to homogeneous function is
Try particular solution
We're left with the system of equations
We find that
Therefore our general solution to the nonhomogeneous equation is
Making Good Guesses
Given a linear second order differential operator with constant coefficients
We have the following cases for
A particular solution to the differential equation is in the form
is not a solution to the corresponding homogeneous problem.
is a solution to the corresponding homogeneous problem.
are solutions to the corresponding homogeneous problem.
is a polynomial function of degree
, then a particular solution is in the form
is a polynomial function of degree 
if the constant functions are solutions to the corresponding homogeneous differential equation
A particular solution is in the form
is solution to the homogeneous solution