MATH 308 Lecture 14

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Lecture Notes

Non-Homogeneous Equations

is solution to homogeneous problem

Let's look for a constant function solution to the nonhomogeneous function:

Guess particular solution by looking at original diff EQ.

The general solution to the non-homogeneous function is

Exercise 2

Corresponding homogeneous function is , and solution is .

We'll guess the particular solution is a constant undetermined coefficient multiplied into :

So is a particular solution to the non-homogeneous differential equation.

Combining the general solution to the homogeneous equation, we get

Exercie 3

General solution to is

Possible particular solution is of form , so

Bad guess. This isn't surprising since is a solution to the homogeneous differential equation, so of course it will equal 0.

Note: To make good guesses for equations of form , multiply it by so that has a degree one greater than the homogeneous solution

Let's try .

So is a particular solution to the non-homogeneous differential equation.

The general solution is

Exercise 5

Solution to homogeneous differential equation is

Particular solution is a polynomial function of degree 1: since the RHS is a polynomial of degree 1.

So our particular solution is

Exercise 6

Find a particular solution to

Solution to homogeneous function is

Try particular solution

We're left with the system of equations

We find that and .

Therefore our general solution to the nonhomogeneous equation is

Making Good Guesses

Given a linear second order differential operator with constant coefficients

We have the following cases for :


A particular solution to the differential equation is in the form

  • if is not a solution to the corresponding homogeneous problem.
  • if is a solution to the corresponding homogeneous problem.
  • if and are solutions to the corresponding homogeneous problem.


Where is a polynomial function of degree , then a particular solution is in the form where

  • is a polynomial function of degree
  • if the constant functions are solutions to the corresponding homogeneous differential equation
  • otherwise.


A particular solution is in the form

  • if is solution to the homogeneous solution
  • otherwise.