CSCE 222 Lecture 33

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Extended Euclidean Algorithm

Find the greatest common devisor for two nonnegative, different integers and :

def euclidean a, b
  while (b != 0) do
    a, b = b, a%b
  return a

Proving Algorithm Correctness

Find an invariant of the loop (a property that holds through each iteration). This invariant and should imply that the result is the GCD of and .

Let (set of all linear combinations of and over all integers.

If contains , then

Lemma 1: If , then

Proof: The set contains the remainer , since , where the quotient . Thus if , then .

On the other hand, since . Therefore by antisymmetry, .


Suppose that the algorithm returns the value . By Lemma 1, (where contains all multiples of ). Therefore is a divisor of and .

Since , we can find the integers and such that .

Therefore, each common divisor of and divides , hence is the greatest common divisor of and .
