CSCE 222 Lecture 34

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RSA Public Key Encryption

RSA stands for last names of inventors

RSA invented to solve problem of easy crackability of bitstreams. Basically It establishes a common secret between two parties. But before we begin…

Euler's Totient Function

Denoted by

When the product ranges over all primes that divide (prime factorization).


Suppose is a product of two distinct primes and , then:

Key Generation

Alice selects two distinct large (2000 bits) prime numbers and , and computes their product .

She selects an odd integer such that

She then computes positive integers and such that .

In other words,

She publishes the pair ( and are kept secret because factoring is very difficult to do)

Encryption and Decryption

Overview: Suppose we want to send Alice a message. This message is chopped into blocks of 1024 bits and encrypt it using the public key. To decrypt it, Alice uses her private key.


  1. For simplicity, we'll assume that the message is encoded as an integer in the range [2,n).
  2. If Bob wants to send the message to Alice, he gets the public key
  3. and raises it to the , modulo :
  4. alice uses her secret key and raises it to the power:

Correctness of RSA

Why does this work?


The RSA Algorithm States:

  • Let be a product of two distinct primes and .
  • Let such that .


By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can show that

since are distinct primes.

By Fermat's Little Theorem,
