CSCE 222 Lecture 32

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More about cardinality

iff injective function from A to B.

Cantor's Theorem

Function given by is injective, therefore

Claim that there does not exist any surjective function

Indeed, is not contained in

Countability vs. Uncountability

A set X is countable iff

Function is not countable since , which is equivalent to Therefore, the function's cardinality is not countable


Given a function that maps an input to a given value, define a function , therefore

The Halting Problem

Input for Halt program: Program P and input X for P Output: 1 if P terminates (halts) when executed on X, and 0 if P goes into an infinite loop on input X.

Note: A compiler is a program that takes as input the code for another program.

X could be the program for P itself.

What if we call Halt(P, P) and modify it a little? (diagonalize) This result leads to a paradox and is undecidable.

bool halt(Program P, void* Input X)
  if ( return true;
  else return false;

bool pSelf(Program P) {
  return halt(P,P)

bool pDiag(Program P) {
  if (pSelf(P)) while(true) {}
  else return false;


If an input from Language 1 returned YES for the Halting problem, than a slight modification (Language 2) must also return YES

Functional property: a property that refers to the language accepted by the program and not the specific code of the program.

EX: Program terminates in 10 steps: (not functional); the program accepts 0 or more inputs (functional).

Nontrivial property: functional property about programs if some programs have the property and some do not.

Rice's Theorem

Every nontrivial functional property about programs is undecidable.