BIOL 111 Chapter 6

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A Tour of the Cell


  • Microscopes (Appendix D)
    • Light microscope (1,000x)
    • Electron microscope (2,000,000x)
  • Cell Fractionation
    1. break cells open
    2. use centrifuge to separate components of different densities

Three domains of life

  • Common Ancestor of all life
    • Bacteria
    • (non-bacteria)
      • Eukarya
      • Archaea

Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea)

Prokaryote = "before nucleus"

  • No central nucleus (nucleoid is genetic material)
  • All single-celled
  • Cell wall around cell membrane
  • Only organelle is ribosome


Eukaryote = "True nucleus"

Cell walls made of cellulose, vacuoles, chloroplasts
can have multiple nuclei, cell wall made of chitin
lysosomes, no cell wall, cilia or flagella, centrosomes in nucleus

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Components of a Cell

Extracellular Matrix
Stuff outside the cell
Plasma Membrane
Phospholipid bilayer with proteins and cholesterol embedded
Cytoskeleton (refer to Table 6.1)
Microtubules: hollow tubes made of tubulin monomers
Intermediate filaments: keratin proteins supercoiled into thick cables
Microfilaments: two twisted actin polymers
Two membranes: inner and outer
Endosymbiosis theory: mitochondrion prokaryotic cell was once engulfed by larger cell[1]
produce ATP for energy via cellular respiration
Double membrane nuclear envelope
Chromatin (units called Chromosomes) = Protein + DNA
Nuclear pores allow material to enter and exit
Nucleolus produces ribosomes; contains protein and rRNA[2]
Two units: Large and small
Makes proteins
free-floating in cytosol or bound to rough ER[3]

Endomembrane system

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
attached to nuclear envelope
regulates protein processing
metabolic functions
Smooth ER
Synthesizes lipids, detoxification
Breaks down carbohydrates
Rough ER
synthesizes and modifies proteins
constructs cell membrane
Golgi Apparatus
modifies proteins
produces polysaccharides like cellulose and glycogen
cis side "receives" raw proteins
trans side "ships" modified proteins
break down large molecules in an acidic environment (phagocytosis)
EX: White blood cells
break down old and worn-out organelles (autophagy)
fluid substance around organelles
region between nucleus and plasma membrane including organelles
Dense core of enzymes that take H atoms from poisons and create H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
Hydrogen peroxide used to break down fatty acids

Plant-specific structures

Cell Wall
composed of cellulose fibrils
plasmodesmata go through membrane and cell wall to connect adjacent cells
Central Vacuole
stores various compounds like sugars, starch, water
important for cell growth
Endosymbiotic organelle[4]
3 membranes: outer, inner, and thylakoid


  1. Mitochondria have their own ribosomes and their own circular DNA handed down from our mothers
  2. rRNAribosomal RNA
  3. Bound ribosomes make proteins that will be used in endo-membrane system or secreted from the cell.
  4. Chloroplasts also have their own ribosomes and DNA