BIOL 111 Chapter 5

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Functional Groups play vital roles

made of many monomers
  • Dehydration removes 2H and O to join monomers together (Removes H2O)
  • Hydrolysis breaks polymers back into monomers by adding H2O back

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BIOL 111 Review Chapter 1-5

Assignment: Chemistry of Cooking.pdf from eLearning

Most hydrocarbon macromolecules are hydrophobic

Molecule Function(s)
Carbohydrates Store energy; structural
Lipids Store energy; structural; hormones (signaling)
Proteins Widely varied (Table 5.1)
Nucleic acids Instructions for building and reproduction



a monomer

EX: glucose, fructose, ribose
  • General formula: (CH2O)n
  • Linear and ring forms
  • Numbered carbons


Two monosaccharides linked via glycosidic linkage (dehydration reaction that bonds Carbon to Oxygen: —C—O—C—)

Used for fast energy


  • Maltose = glucose + glucose (1-4 linkage)
  • Sucrose = glucose + fructose
  • Lactose = glucose + galatose


Polymers of monosaccharides

Energy storage and structures

  • Storage:
    • Starch: plants; stored in chloroplasts
    • Glycogen Animals
  • Structural:
    • Cell walls = cellulose; LONG parallel strands held together by hydrogen bonds
    • Exoskeletons = chitin; modified structure helps hold it in hydrogen bonds


All are hydrophobic


EX: saturated/unsaturated fats
  • Two components: Glycerol + 3 fatty acids
  • Linked via ester linkages (Carbon double bonds to one oxygen and single bonds to another)
  • formed by dehydration synthesis

Saturated: all opportunities to form a bond between H and C have been filled Unsaturated: Double bond between two carbons in hydrocarbon chain, so structure is bent


  • 3 components: Phosphate group + Glycerol + 2 fatty acids
  • 2 layers form cell membranes: phospholipid bilayer
  • Hydrophilic head, hydrophobic tails


EX: Cholesterol
  • 4 carbon rings
  • Structure does not change
  • hydrophobic; goes in and out of cell membranes easily


  • VERY diverse structures functions (Once again, see Table 5.1)
  • Amino acid is monomer form of protein
  • 20 Amino Acids: KNOW which amino acids are polar (hydrophilic), non-polar (hydrophobic), basic, or acidic

Proteins are made out of polypeptides, which are polymers made from amino acids joined by dehydration reaction that creates a peptide bond.

Backbone formed: H—[N—C—C]—[N—C—C]— . . . —[N—C—C]—OH Head/Beginning is amino end: +H3N

Amino Acids

Only 20 different types: Figure 5.17

Structure of an Amino Acid

α carbon has 4 bonds:

  • ↑ R-group (differs for each amino acid)
  • → Carboxyl Group: —COOH
  • ↓ Hydrogen
  • ← Amino Group: NH2

Structures and Folding

When completed, proteins fold into 3D shapes based on hydrogen bonds, electronegativity, hydrophilia/hydrophobia, etc.

Chaperonins (chaperone proteins) assist in folding process: protein goes in; cap goes on; container changes shape; encapsulated protein folds; cap comes off; folded protein released.

Shape can accept certain other molecular structures (like a puzzle piece):

  • enzymes will change shape when it accepts molecules to allow bonding to occur easier.
  • antibodies will bind to certain proteins found in viruses and bacteria
primary structure
The actual order/sequence of amino acids when protein is stretched out
secondary structure
α helix or β pleated sheet
interactions between backbone atoms
β pleated sheets like to line up side-by-side because of hydrogen bonds between amino acids
tertiary structure
Interactions between R-groups
Hydrogen bonds, Hydrophobic interactions and van der Walls interactions; Disulfide bridge; Ionic bonds
quaternary structure
Interactions between separate polypeptide chains/strands (i.e. between separate proteins)

Hemoglobin is formed from four separate polypeptides of two different proteins: 2 α chains and 2 β chains


disruption of protein structure

  • heat disrupts H-bonds
  • pH disrupts ionic bonds
  • chemicals disrupt ionic, disulfide, and hydrogen bonds
  • nonpolar organic solvent turns inside-out

Sickle-cell anemia is caused by mutation in primary structure of hemoglobin that prevents hemoglobin from folding properly (leaves hydrophobic region exposed, which causes bad molecules to crystalize into unusable shapes

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Nucleic Acids

Storage and transmission of hereditary information: job is to store amino acid sequences for building structure and reproduction

Two types:

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Double-helix structure; used for storage inside chromosomes in nucleus
ribonucleic acid (RNA)
single strand of nucleic acids
Used to carry information to ribosomes for protein synthesis:
DNA → RNA → protein

Monomer (Nucleotide)

Nucleoside is the following components without phosphate group

  1. pentose sugar "platform"
    • deoxyribose (found in DNA; no-oxygen-ribose) OR
    • ribose (found in RNA) (OH on Carbon #2 instead of just H)
  2. Nitrogenous bases attached to pentose:
    • Pyrimidines (one carbon ring)
      • Cytocine (C; matches to G)
      • Thymine (T; in DNA; matches to A)
      • Uracil (U; in RNA; matches to A)
    • Purines (two carbon rings)
      • Adenine (A; matches to T or U)
      • Guanine (G; matches to C)

Polymer (Polynucleotide)

Monomer nucleic acids linked by phosphate group on Carbon #5 via phosphodiester bonds (dehydration synthesis)

Sequence goes 5' → 3' (Carbon #5 bonds to Carbon #3)

DNA monomers held together by hydrogen bonds