THE 1310 Lecture 6
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Topic: Origins and Nature of Sin
Genesis 3
- play on words: arom (naked) vs arum (serpent)
- Serpent approaches the Woman, not Adam
- sows seed of doubt in God and Adam
- God told Adam about the tree, who presumably told the Woman after she was created
- Serpent essentially saying, "God (and Adam) are holding you back"
- technically true; they don't yet perceive God in his fullness
- desire for this fullness awakened in Woman, who thinks she has to grasp at it to take for herself
- Woman responds, adding "don't even touch it"
- sows seed of doubt in God and Adam
- Adam was there the whole time and gets caught up in the whole mess
- Has to be with Woman, even in her disobedience
Effects of Fall
- alienation from each other (hence fig leaves) and from God (disobedience)
- hence, they hide
- God knows where they are, but calls out to them, inviting them to come out of hiding
- Goodness now serves as a reminder of the evil they've done, so they indirectly despise God's goodness now.
- Adam's response: "it's her fault, and yours too, God; you put her here with me!"
- Eve blames the serpent (who didn't have a leg to stand on, haha)
- God doesn't even ask Serpent, just curses it:
- enmity between Woman and serpent, offspring (hence stare-down in The Passion)
- protoevangelion - the first good news that God will redeem us
God's Punishment
self | relationship | |
serpent | crawl on belly | lower than other animals, enmity with woman |
woman | painful labor | longing for Adam |
Adam | death | all of creation (ground/earth) now no longer fertile |
Note on death: feels unnatural; the core existential problem of Man
All relationships are ruptured between God, Adam, Woman, and Creation
- ultimately restored by salvation through Jesus, who conquers death!
- God makes clothes, which means an animal had to die
- Banishment from Eden, so as to not eat from Tree of Life
- Mercy: God doesn't want Man to live in fallen state forever
- Common theme in OT: sin leads to exile; land plays central role
Original Justice and Holiness
- Union with God in original created state
- gifts at beginning lost as result of original sin
- we inherit fundamental deprivation of true communion
- we can't inherit what are parents don't have