THE 1310 Lecture 5
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- Priestly and Yahwist Creation Accounts
- Enuma Elish
Gen 1: The Priestly Creation Account
- structured
- vague
- poetic
- ordered by complexity
- scope starts off broad, narrows later
- creation is infused with wisdom and order
- omnipotence and immediacy of God's Word
Order of creation
- Light
- Heavens & Waters
- Land & Vegetation
- Sun and Moon (to govern 1)
- Creatures: Birds of Air and Fish of Sea (to govern 2)
- Creatures of Land and MAN
Man created in God's image (we point to God) and likeness (we resemble God)
- relationship and origin
- reason and will
- heart and mind ("Creation of Adam" painting by Michelangelo)
Creation reflects the goodness of God
- everything sings back to God
- like creation in The Magician's Nephew or The Silmarillion: brought about by song
Enuma Elish
Stone tablet discovered with uncanny resemblance to Gen. 1
- Hebrew people correcting misconception of their Babylonian neighbors
- Beliefs unique to Judaism:
- God transcends creation (i.e., exists outside of it)
- creation brought about through love, order; not violence or chaos
Gen 2: The Yahwist Creation Account
- zoomed in look at Adam
- Adam formed from dust of the earth (matter)
- Spirit breathed into nostrils (Hebrew word means "inspiration", "intellect", "mind")
- Records intimate encounters between God and Adam
- Adam created first in the wilderness
- God moves him to the garden later
- Trees at center of garden: already a moral aspect to the story
- Adam is (we are) called to participate in creation and cultivation
Problem: Adam needs a partner
- Plan A: make animals, let Adam name them
- Plan B: Make Woman from rib
- From heart; side represents equality
- Rib surrounds the heart
First human words in the Bible: "Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh"
- Wonder and marvel at Woman
Establishment of Marriage
- One of two key bookends of Bible:
- Marriage in Genesis between Adam and Eve
- Marriage feast of the Lamb in Revelation