THE 1310 Lecture 14
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Departure from Egypt
- God leads his people in a pillar of cloud by day, of fire by night
- ... to the Red Sea
- ... "to die in the wilderness" — people want to go back already?
- Waters miraculously parted
- Israelites pass through
- Pharaoh destroyed by waters
- Once again God defeats evil by water (c.f. Noah and the Flood)
- Israelites sing a hymn of thanksgiving, referring to God as "warrior"
- People run out of food and water and start grumbling (a legitimate concern)
- God provides manna miraculous "bread from heaven" / "bread of angels"
- manna - lit. "what is this?"
- tastes "like wafers made with honey"
- foretaste of the land flowing with milk and honey
- Asked to rely each day: do not collect more than one day's-worth (except in preparation for Sabbath)
- Demonstration of God's glory: manna belongs to the Lord
- Manna sustains Israelites through Sinai all the way to the promised land, and then it stops.
- Some manna kept in a container for posterity to behold
- will eventually go into the Ark of the Covenant
- God also provided quail.
Meribah and Massah
- Ref. Ps 95
- Miraculous water from the rock
Arrival at Sinai/Horeb
- goal of liberation all along was to bring Israel to God's heart
- God chose to reveal himself to the world through Israel
- Called the "election of Israel"
- "nation of priests" - to approach the altar and offer sacrifice
- "a holy nation" - set apart
- God reveals himself: "prepare yourself ... third day"
- No one except Moses allowed to even touch the mountain
- God gives 10 commandments
- 1-3 are love of God
- 4 is lynchpin of God and neighbor: parents
- 5-10 are love of neighbor in society
The "Wedding" Covenant
- Reading of the laws/"vows" (Ex 24)
- image of wedding between God and Israelites
- response: build an altar, stones for 12 tribes, and offer sacrifice
- blood splashed on altar and sprinkled on people
- "this is the blood of the covenant"
- Intimate encounter: They behold God in his glory; the veil is lifted momentarily
- They ate and drank
- "this is the blood of the covenant"
- recap: meal and sacrifice
Construction Instructions
- instructed to build Tent of Meeting, Tabernacle, and Ark of Covenant
- choose special "perfect" materials
- designs image the layout of God's "court"
- Note prominent placement of bread and wine
- Hearken back to Melchizedek and Abraham
- Shewbread to be eaten each Sabbath
- Note: "Shewn" to people once a year: "behold God's love for you"
- 12 cakes: one for each tribe