THE 1310 Lecture 13
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"Let My People Go"
- Fatherhood of God Revealed in Exodus 4
- "Israel is my son, my firstborn"
- freedom not a rescue/humanitarian mission
- for the sake of encountering God in the wilderness
- restoration of creation to its proper order
- First reaction of Israelites is to believe, but they drift away later
- Pharaoh gives more work when asked to let them go
- views them as "lazy" - he wants them to be cogs in his construction machine
- deprives them of even more time they would've otherwise had
- God reinstates covenant promise
- people are dejected and don't listen (Ex 6:9)
- Pharaoh gives more work when asked to let them go
- God will exercise his authority over all things
- This is a battle between demons and God with his angels
- Pharaoh's magicians do some supernatural stuff: "dark forces"
- Unable to keep up at a later point
- God kills off each of the Egyptian gods one by one
- Establishing a hierarchy of right-ordered worship
- Last of the plagues
- darkness: defeat of Ra, the sun god
- death of firstborn: defeat of Pharaoh himself
- not enough to strike down Pharaoh, but he had to watch his lineage die
- battle over the firstborn: Israel
God will "execute judgment over all the gods of Egypt" (Ex 12:12)
- Finale of the plagues, everything culminates to this
- Instructions
- Find a 1 yr old male lamb without blemish
- Slaughter it
- Apply its blood to doorposts and lentil
- hyssop, the branch re-used throughout scripture for sprinkling and "being made clean"
- Eat its flesh with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
- "Not a bone of it shall be broken"
- Communal act
- Established as part of identity
- no one may partake unless circumcised
- "day of remembrance" forever—not just until the Messiah (Ex 12:14)
- Established as part of identity