Stack (ADT)

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A "PEZ Dispenser" container: Last in; First out (LIFO)


  • Undo in Text Editor


  • int size() — Returns how many items are in the stack.
  • bool isEmpty() — Returns whether the stack is empty (i.e. size is 0).
  • void push(Object o) — Puts an object at the top of the stack.
  • Object pop() — Removes the top object from the stack and returns it.
  • Object top() — Peeks at the top item without removing it.


Array-based (Fixed)

  • Add elements from left to right
  • Use a variable to keep track of the last element (size)
class ArrayStack {
  int t;
  Object* S;
  int sz;

  Stack(int sz = 1000) : t(0), S(new Object[sz]), sz(sz) {}

  int size() { return t+1; }

  bool isEmpty() { return t==0; }

  Object pop() {
    if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyStackException();
    else return S[t-- + 1];

  void push(const Object& o) {
    if (t == sz-1) throw FullStackException();
    else S[t++] = o;

What if we didn't want to throw an exception when the stack is full?

  1. Increment the size by a constant
  2. double the size when it is full

Array-based (Doubling)

void ArrayStack::push(o) {
  if (t == sz-1) {
    Object* T = new Object[sz*2];
    for (int i=0; i<sz; ++i) T[i] = S[i];    // copy items to new array
    sz *= 2;
    delete S
    S = T;
  S[t++] = o;


class ListStack {
  int t;
  Node* top;

  class Node {
    Node* n;
    Object elem;

    Node(const Object& o, Node* nxt = 0, ) : elem(o), n(nxt) {}
    Node* next() { return n; }
    Object element() { return elem; }

  Stack(int sz = 1000) : top(0), t(0) {}

  int size() { return t; }

  bool isEmpty() { return t==0; }

  Object pop() {
    if (t == 0) throw EmptyStackException();
    Object elem = tmp->element();
    Node* tmp = top;
    top = top->next();
    delete tmp;
    return elem;

  void push(const Object& o) {
    top = new Node(o, top);


See Amortized Time and Asymptotic Analysis for more information.

  Array (fixed) Array (doubling) List
push() worst:
size() w/ aux var:
w/o aux var:

From now on, we'll always assume that size() and isEmpty() always perform in time.

[ template ] Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
Ordered Access to Elements StackQueueDouble-Ended Queue (Deque)
Random Access to Elements VectorListSequence
Key/Value Pairs TreeBinary TreePriority QueueHeapDictionarySkip List
Sorted Storage Binary Search TreeAVL TreeRed-Black Tree