List (ADT)

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A list, although not indexed, introduces the concept of abstract pointers called Positions. Lists are special in that they are not contiguous in memory, so fixed size limitations are not a problem.


A position is an abstraction of a pointer in that it either contains an element or is "null". Think of it like a node with no access to the next or previous elements in the list.

These are the only public members of a Position:

  • Position(Node n) — conversion from a node to a position
  • Object& element() — access to the element stored at this position
  • bool isNull() — whether this is a "null" position


  • int size() — Returns how many items are in the list.
  • bool isEmpty() — Returns whether the list is empty (i.e. size is 0).
  • bool isFirst(Position p) — Returns whether the specified position is the first item in the list.
  • bool isLast(Position p) — Returns whether the specified position is the last item in the list.
  • Position first() — Returns the position of the first item in the list.
  • Position last() — Returns the position of the last item in the list.
  • Position before(Position p) — Returns the position of the element prior to Position .
  • Position after(Position p) — Returns the position of the element after Position .
  • void replaceElement(Position p, Object o) — Replaces the element at position with an object .
  • void swapElements(Position p, Position q) — Switches the element stored at position with the one from position and vice versa.
  • Position insertBefore(Position p, Object o) — Inserts a new element before position and returns the position of the newly inserted element.
  • Position insertAfter(Position p, Object o) — Inserts a new element after position and returns the position of the newly inserted element.
  • Position insertFirst(Object o) — Inserts a new element at the beginning of the list and returns the position of the newly inserted element.
  • Position insertLast(Object o) — Inserts a new element at the end of the list and returns the position of the newly inserted element.
  • void remove(Position p) — Removes an object from Position .


Note: Positions can be converted to nodes and vice versa in their constructors.


This is a sample implementation: not all functions have been implemented.

class SingleList {
  Node* first;
  Node* last;

  Position first() { return Position(*first); }
  Position last() { return Position(*last); }

  Position before(Position p) {
    Node* n = first;
    while (n->next()) {
      if (n->next()->element() == p.element()) {
        return Position(n);
    return Position(NULL);
  Position after(Position p) {
    Node pNode(p);
    return Position(;


The before() method becomes much easier to implement if we have access to the previous element in the list.

class DoubleList {
  /* ... */

  Position before(Position p) {
    Node pNode(p);
    return Position(pNode.previous());

  /* ... */
[ template ] Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
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