PHI 1301 Lecture 9
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Review Bks 1–4
- Socrates recalls a conversation from the past
- On way back from Piraeus with Glaucon
- "Arrested" by Polymarcus, Adiemantus, and Thrasymachus
- Taken to house of Cephalus
- Conversation turns to topic of justice... What is justice?
- Thrasymachus: "might makes right"
- 3 types of good
- for its own sake
- for its consequences
- for both itself and the consequences it produces
- Tale of the Shepherd's Ring
- Socrates is challenged to find/describe the truly just soul
- Justice exists in city and soul
- Founding of perfect city: Kallipolis
- Nature of dogs is to recognize friends vs enemies
- Guardians require training: Music and Gymnastics to balance gentleness and spirit, respectively
- City and soul both have corresponding parts
- workers < auxiliary guardians < rulers :: appetites < spirit < reason
- Phoenician Tale: 3 metals (gold, silver, iron/bronze) corresponding to citizen classes
- Overall happiness and well-being of city, not individuals
- Image of painted statue's eyes
- 4 virtues identified
- wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice
For Next Time
Read 473-487: Who is the philosopher? (phase 1)