PHI 1301 Lecture 2

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No class 2019-09-02: Labor Day

Philosophy Colloquium F 15:00–15:50; can be taken for 1 credit pass/fail with no tests or reading

Recent History Surrounding Republic

  • Athens had just lost to Sparta
  • in the near future, there will be a coup by "the 30 tyrants" (next-generation Athenians) against the philosophers' generation
  • This will result in a civil war that the 30 tyrants will win
  • In this time, Cephalus has been providing support for the philosophers and "traditional Athenians"

Book Setting

  • This conversation is a "handing on" of philosophical viewpoints from the older generation to the younger
  • Conversation starts out with pleasantries: "how is life, etc."
  • Quickly changes to philosophical debate on "what is justice"
    • Instruction to think carefully about things

What is Justice?

  • Multiple Definitions from each character
    • Cephalus:
      • Telling the truth and repaying debts
    • Polemarchus:
      • Giving to each what one is owed
      • Giving to each what is appropriate
    • Doing good to friends and harm to enemies
  • Socrates refutes each one of these claims.
    • He likens justice to a practical skill/craft (τέχνη, techne)

For Next Time

  • Read Republic pages 336–354: conversation between Socrates and Thrasymachus
    • What is T.'s approach to the matter?
    • What is S.'s role? (Dialectic)