PHI 1301 Lecture 12

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Corruption of Youth

  • recruited to work on other people's projects
    • to support other people's agendas
  • lady wisdom goes "uncourted"
  • the only person left is the unappealing "bald-headed tinker"

Story of Ship Captain

  • the only person to be the ship's captain goes unnoticed
  • labeled a "stargazer and babbler"
  • explains why philosophers are fit to rule city but are often labeled useless

Other Analogies Galore

Sun Divided Line Cave Ordered Learning
what is immaterial, intelligible, unchanging, eternal The Good radiates Truth, which illuminates what is intelligible so we can understand them Powers of the Soul Reality Real things illuminated by the sun, which is too bright to see directly philosophy (dialectics)
understanding (νόησις) the forms
  • one/many
  • same/different
  • order/disorder
thought (διάνοια) "mathematicals" [analogies 1] reflections of things arithmetic geometry astronomy harmonics
what is material, sensible, changing, temporal the sun radiates light, which illuminates things so we can see them trust (πίστις)
"belief" familiarity
things artifacts gymnastics
imagination (εἰκασία) images shadows and echoes music
  1. mathematicals are abstract structures that are underlying the unity and "togetherness" of things.

For Next Time

  • Read through the rest of Book 7
  • pay attention to geometry and astronomy