MATH 470 Lecture 5

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What is the strongest code? One-time pad

  • bit + random = random
  • key would be as big as message, so we often do the best we can with small keys (e.g. vigenere)

Breaking Vigenere

DQZXI . . . ZOVXMJLFYFEHL (266071 chars)

Suppose you know vigenere was used and the language was English. How do you find the key length?

  • Count collisions of cipher text with shifts

DQZXI . . . A . . . Q . . .EHL
    DQZXI . A . . . Q . . . . . EHL
            *       *

The shift that gives the most collisions will give the most likely key length.

You want to do () operations of work; no more than that.

How long of a key gets you key space approximately the length of the message?

  • Let's try 10 × 3.8 ≈ 40 shifts of incrementing amounts.

In Matlab:

freq = zeros(1,40)
for i = 1:40
    count = 0;
    slen = 266071-i-1;
    for j = 1:slen
        if cnums(j+i) == cnums(j)
            count = count + 1
    freq(i) = count/slen
[y,i] = max(freq)

If you plot the frequency of collisions, the peaks occur at regular intervals.
For the case of our example, 13, 26, 39, etc., so we'll try with a key length of 13

Assume key = (k1, . . ., k13)

Do frequency analysis of the most frequent character along positions:

  • (1, 14, 27, ...) is Z, so it may be or +21
  • (2, 15, 28, ...) is B, so it may be or +23
  • ...

Key should be (21, 23, 3, ..., 25, 24)

Amount of work: reading ciphertext ~41 times (about 2 sec on computer)

Assuming the key is correct, we decrypt the text by subtracting.


The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler (1946)

Comparison with Brute Force

Even if you knew that the key length was 13, brute force implies trying 2613 keys

Computational assumption: English text behaves like strings from { A, B, ..., Z } leaving a particular probability distribution.

This works because

  • the probability that a character at position is the same as character in position
  • approximately the probability that a character in a random stream is the same as the character steps ahead
  • going steps ahead,
    • if is a multiple of the key length, they should have the same distribution
    • if is not a multiple of the key length, they do not have the same distribution
  • Evaluating the probability estimate gives

Pr[char = A && steps ahead = A] + ... + Pr[char = Z && steps ahead = Z]
Pr[char = A] * Pr[char = σ(A) ] + ... + Pr[char = Z] * Pr[char = σ(Z)]

Where σ is a permutation function

By the rarrangement inequality, this is maximized when σ is the identity function


Rivest, Shamir, Adleman in 1977 (previously discovered by Clifford Cocks at GCHQ in 1970)

(See CSCE 222 Lecture 34→)

Our first example of asymmetric encryption: decryption key is not an easy function of the encryption key.

Imagine Bob wants to communicate with Alice and bob will set everything up:

  1. Bob picks secret large primes and with approximately equal number of digits and computes
    Bob also picks a large , relatively prime to , and computes
  2. Bob broadcasts and , but keeps , , and secret
  3. Alice encrypts via
  4. Bob decrypts via

RSA is used in

  • routers
  • financial transactions
  • digital signatures


  • Typically, and have hundreds of digits!
  • Messages can naturally be placed in by blocks:
    • HELLOHELP... becomes a sequence of digits mod 26, which is just a big integer

Quiz next Tuesday