MATH 417 Lecture 17

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For .

Numerical Methods:

  1. Euler's Method:
    • error is
    • one-step error is (but these errors accumulate).
  2. Taylor Series-based Method:
    • Need to know partial derivatives
    • local error = , and global error is
    • Euler's method is .

Runge-Kutta Method

Replaces derivatives with nested function evaluations.

We want

The method uses

Second order Runge-Kutta method (RK-2) uses

Hence up to difference.

Taylor Series for :

RK-2: , where

Hence RK-2 is the midpoint method:

If we let , we can write

Here comes the rule:

Modified Euler

Based on trapezoidal rule to approximate

Use Euler's method to find

To find our numeric method, let and , then

Heun's Method

Based on gaussian quadrature method to approximate

Here's the rule:

The book has an error by saying this is . It is RK-2, so it must be .


Multi-Step Method

All methods we've discussed so far are 'one step methods: we only use to approximate .

Assume that you have computed .

This is an order 5 method, but it has oscillating coefficients (so it is numerically unstable)


No Solution Example

  • , which is continuous

Exact solution is , the reason the lipschitz discontinuity is because there is a singularity at

Example 2

  • (continuous)
  • , so Lipschitz continuous

For and , let's find Euler, Midpoint, and Modified Euler approximations:


, , and .


Something's wrong here...

Modified Euler

simplifies the above to