MATH 417 Lecture 16

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Differential Equations

Initial value problem ODE:

for .

Discretize the interval into points, and let


We are given a method

Last Time: Euler


  1. Given a current approximation , we want
  2. Approximate
  3. by ODE definition


In order for , we must have and the IVP must be well-posed:

  1. is continuous in
  2. must be Lipschitz continuous: for all
  3. must be a convex set: for every two points in the set, the line between them must lie entirely in the set.

Lipschitz Continuity

There is an easy way to verify Lipschitz continuity using partial derivatives:

Rewrite definition as


Euler Method Roundoff Error

Each step has a small , so the accumulated error is

On most machines,

Then the error equation becomes

Don't make too small, otherwise accumulated error will be more than the error of

Cost of evaluating is number of steps × local cost

Let error term be bounded by .

For euler, the cost is

Euler is an order-1 method

Taylor Series Based Methods

Let's calculate for multiple values of :

n = 1

(this is Euler's method)

Our numerical method is then

n = 2

Our numerical method is then

Local Truncation Error

At each step, how far off is our approximation?

For Taylor-series-based methods, , and

n = 3


Numerical Integration Methods

Given , we want to construct

So far, we have seen:

  • Euler:
  • Taylor:

When we evaluate the exact solution to an ODE, we solve

Let the integrand term be represented by (assume these values are approximated with accuracy ):

Modified Euler Method

Euler's method is analogous to evaluating the integral by using the left-riemann summ (a horrible approximation)

Let's use the trapezoidal rule instead:

If we let be the standard Euler method, we can simplify the expression to:

Midpoint Method

Let's try using the midpoint method; this requires evaluation at half-time-steps


Heun's Method

Let's use Gaussian Quadrature with .
