MATH 415 Lecture 19

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Let be a ring. We construct a ring of polynomials in one indeterminate with coefficients in .

Exerise 24

If is an integral domain, then is also an integral domain.

Take with , , and , . Thus is of degree and is of degree .

The product is of degree : . The last coefficient cannot be 0 since is an integral domain (i.e. it has no zero divisors).

Field of Quotients

The field of quotients of , denoted

is a field of rational functions.

Note that in general, although is a field, is a ring (In particular, an integral domain)

Evaluation Homomorphism

Let be fields. Evaluating a polynomial at value (denoted ) is a homomorphism from the ring to field .


Let , , and . Then always has form , which must be rational.

Therefore evaluation homomorphism may not be onto.

Now let . Then takes form .

Note in particular that , and therefore is a member of the kernel of .

Now let and , so . Thus . Note that . Also note that , so is in the kernel of .

However, is an isomorphism because is a transendental number (it is not a root of any polynomial with rational coefficients), hence the kernel of is just . Therefore must be an isomorphism from onto .

How to Plug Values into a Function

Definition 22.10.

Let be fields, , and . If we have , we define

Section 23: Factorization of Polynomials over a Field

Let , such that for . For , we have

Hence if and only if or .

This factorization only makes sense when the degree of and is greater than 1. Hence we are concerned with nontrivial factorizations.

Theorem 23.1: Division in

Let be a field that forms the polynomial ring . Let and be elements of with and (so is not constant).

Then there are unique polynomials and in such that where either or the degree of is less than the degree of .

Proof. Consider . If , then there exists such that Therefore , hence .

Otherwise, let be of minimal degree [1]. Then


If , then we're done: , so with . In the more interesting case, if , then

Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \begin{align} f(x) - s(x) \, g(x) - \left( \frac{c_t}{b_m} \right) x^{t-m} \, g(x) &= r(x) - \left( \frac{c}{b_m} \right) x^{t-m} \, g(x) \\ &= r(x) - (c_t \, x^t + \mbox{terms of lower degree}) \\ &= \cancel{c_t\,x^t + \dots - \cancel{c_t\,x^t} - \mbox{terms of lower degree}) \\ \end{align}}

Thus .

Let , then is of lesser degree than — contradiction.

This proves the existence of . All that remains is to prove uniqueness.

Assume with and . Then the product has LHS degree and RHS degree — contradiction.

quod erat demonstrandum

Factoring Examples

Let where

Find the quotient and remainder :


  1. There must be a minimum since the degree of any polynomial is a positive integer. Hence of minimal degree must exist.