MATH 415 Lecture 17

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Euler's Theorem

Theorem 20.8. If is relatively prime to , then is divisible by . That is, .


Solving Linear Congruences

Find all solutions of a linear congruence , where in .

Theorem 20.10

Let and be relatively prime to .

For each , the equation has a unique solution in .

Proof. By Theorem 20.6, a is a unit in , so there exists a such that .

quod erat demonstrandum

Corollary. If , then for any the congruence has as solutions all integers in precisely one residue class modulo .

This is precisely .

Theorem 20.12

(generalization of previous theorem)

Let , , and .

The equation has a solution in if and only if . When , the equation has exactly solutions.

Proof. In other words, when , then the equation has no solutions. Suppose is a solution, so . Then for some . Thus , which implies and . Therefore . Contradiction!

Now if , then , , and ( divides everything). Then we have , so and . Therefore

With . Therefore the second form has a unique solution .

Now for , there are preimages in .

Corollary. The congruence has a solution if and only if . When this is the case, the solutinos are exactly distinct residual classes modulo .

From the previous example, we somehow arrive at

, , ..., .


Solve for all .

No solution because , but .

Solve for all

and . Therefore solutions to this equation also satisfy or equivalently

observe , so . Therefore with series of solutions , , and .

Quotient Fields

The integral domain can be "embedded in" the field of rationals by definition , where and .

In general, let be any integral domain. This can be "embedded" into a field (called a quotient field):

Let , where . We put in .

Constructing a Quotient Field

  1. define what the elements of are
  2. Define binary operations and
  3. Check all field axioms
  4. show that can be viewed as a subring of and every can be presented as for

For example, is a subset of

We define an equivalence relation on such that if and only if , or equivalently :

  1. reflexive. holds because of multiplicative commutivity in ()
  2. symmetric. implies holds by symmetry on equality.
  3. transitivity. and Failed to parse (unknown function "\im"): {\displaystyle (c,d) \im (r,s)} gives and . We write Therefore by cancellation, giving .

We form equivalence classes of as follows:


Lemma. For and in , the equations

Give well-defined operations of addition and multiplication in .

Proof of multiplication. Choose two representatives and . Then and .

Take product:

The question is: is equivalent to ?

We have from equivalence definition , so by commutativity, ; so yes.

quod erat demonstrandum

Checking Field Axioms

  1. Addition is commutative
  2. Addition is associative
  3. Addition has identity
  4. Additive inverse is defined as
  5. Multiplication is commutative
  6. Multiplication is associative
  7. Multiplication has identity
  8. Distributive laws hold in .
  9. If is not the additive identity , then in and is a multiplicative inverse for .

To review,

  • (1-4) shows that is an abelian group
  • 5 shows that is a semigroup
  • 6 shows that is commutative