MATH 308 Lecture 6

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Lecture Notes

Finding Domain

Makes sense when and :

Now to solve it:

The domain of the solution is (since )

Theorem 2.4.1

Given a first-order linear differential equation

where and are continuous functions on an open interval containing ,

For any real number , there exists a unique solution to the initial value problem defined over .

Example 1

  • is continuous for all real numbers
  • is also continuous for all real numbers

Therefore, for , , there exists a unique solution and it exists for all real numbers.

Example 2

  • or there is no solution

For , , or there will be a unique solution that will be continuous on the rage of the selected solution

Theorem 2.4.2

Given a first order nonlinear initial value problem

where and are continuous in some rectangle containing ,

There exists a unique solution to the initial value problem defined in a neigborhood of .

Example 1

Separable general solution:

Initial value solutions:

Interval of solution is smaller than interval of differential equation, and the location of those intervals are dependent on the initial condition.

Example 2

  • is a polynomial function continuous on .
  • is another polynomial function continuous on

For the initial condition , there exists a unique solution whose domain is an interval that contains 1.

Example 3

The theorem does not apply since is not defined for .