MATH 308 Lecture 20

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Lecture Notes

Section 6.2

Exercise 11

No way to solve this... until now.

Notice that we have a differential equation: let

must be 0 since must converge to 0 when approaches infinity.

This solution satisfies the initial conditions and the differential equation.

Section 6.3

Lecture Notes

Heaviside Function

The unit step function or Heaviside function is the function defined by

Application: string suddenly breaks in a physics problem.

Exercise 1

Sketch graph of

in Maple:

> restart: with(plots): with(plottools):
> u := (s,t) -> piecewise(t<s, 0, t>=s, 1):
> plot(u(2,t) + 3*u(4,t) - 7*u(5,t), t=0..10, discont=true);
MATH 308 2013030401.png

Sketch graph of

MATH 308 2013030402.png

Exercise 2

Express the following functions in terms of step functions:

Something happens at , so we can use to "turn on" different parts of the function at each "action" point.

  • Between 0 and 3, , so
  • Between 3 and 5, , so
  • Between 5 and 6, , so
  • After 6, , so

MATH 308 2013030403.png

Theorem 6.3.1

If exists for , and if is a positive constant, then

Conversely, if , then

Exercise 3

Find the Laplace transform of the function