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Section 6.2
Exercise 11
No way to solve this... until now.
Notice that we have a differential equation: let
must be 0 since must converge to 0 when approaches infinity.
This solution satisfies the initial conditions and the differential equation.
Section 6.3
The unit step function or Heaviside function is the function defined by
Application: string suddenly breaks in a physics problem.
Exercise 1
Sketch graph of
in Maple:
> restart: with(plots): with(plottools):
> u := (s,t) -> piecewise(t<s, 0, t>=s, 1):
> plot(u(2,t) + 3*u(4,t) - 7*u(5,t), t=0..10, discont=true);
Sketch graph of
Exercise 2
Express the following functions in terms of step functions:
Something happens at , so we can use to "turn on" different parts of the function at each "action" point.
- Between 0 and 3, , so
- Between 3 and 5, , so
- Between 5 and 6, , so
- After 6, , so
Theorem 6.3.1
If exists for , and if is a positive constant, then
Conversely, if , then
Exercise 3
Find the Laplace transform of the function