MATH 308 Lecture 2

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Lecture Notes

Exercise 4

This is called the general solution

Given intial condition , we can find particular values for the unknown constants in the general solution:

This unique solution is called the particular solution

In Maple, you can solve Diff Eq's as follows:

> eq1 := p'(t) = 0.03*p(t);
> dsolve(eq1, p(t));               # Gives general solution
> dsolve({eq1, p(0) = 200}, p(t)); # Gives particular Solution

Exercise 5

Show that is a solution to .

Therefore, is a solution.

Find a solution that satisfies the initial condition and .

Direction Fields

Works for first-order differential equations only!


To plot in Maple:

> with(DETools):
> DEplot(D(y)(x) = x^2-y(x)^2, y(x), x=-10..10, y=-10..10);
MATH 308 Example Direction Field.png

A solution has a horizontal tangent at if , so for , the direction field lines are horizontal.

Are these values minima, maxima, or inflection points? Use second derivative test

  • For , it's a local minimum
  • For , it's a local maximum
  • For , we don't know

Particular solutions can be plotted in the direction fields:

> with(DETools):
> DEplot(D(y)(x) = x^2-y(x)^2, y(x), x=-10..10, y=-10..10, [[0,1], [1,-0.5], [-1,-2], [-3,0]], linecolor=blue);
MATH 308 Example Direction Filed with Particular Solutions.png

Until Next Time