MATH 302 Lecture 9

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Exam on Wednesday

Function Invertibility

A function is invertible if and only if it is bijective (both surjective/onto and injective/one-to-one)

Graphing A Function

Writing functions as columns and drawing arrows between them:

Ceiling and Floor

Ceiling rounds up to next integer if decimal is greater than 0

Floor rounds down (truncates decimal)


Proof. Let where and , thus . There are two cases:

Proof of (1). , where

Proof of (2).

Review for Exam

  1. Be familiar with definitions and terminology (key terms at end of each chapter 109-111)
  2. Homework is fair game: logic proofs, set proofs, function proofs
  3. Big-O, Big-Ω, Big-Θ
  4. Algorithms
  5. Quantifiers, properties and terminologies of conditionals
  6. Membership Tables and set theory