MATH 302 Lecture 8

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Sets (cont'd)

Power Set

the set of all subsets of A

Collection of Sets

Universal Union

Similar to existential quantifier.

Universal Intersection

Similar to universal quantifier.


Mapping of elements in set (domain) to elements in set (codomain)

each element in the domain is the initial point for exactly one mapping

for all there is assigned a unique value in the codomain

f ( a ) = b
  preimage of b   image of a

Properties of Functions

one-to-one (injective)
every element in the codomain must have at most one arrow pointing to it. (Two domain elements cannot be mapped to the same codomain element)
prove injectivity using the contrapositive (assume that there is an and a so that and prove that must equal )
onto (surjective)
every element in the codomain must have at least one arrow pointing to it.
both injective and bijective
function can be inverted by changing the direction of the arrows