MARB 403 Lecture 2
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Water is 800 times as dense as air
Sensory Organs
Filters between environment and brain
We hear 20 Hz to 20 kHz
- Umwelt
- everything we can detect
- perception capabilities
Cetacean Senses
- Vision (sight; very good)
- Chemoreception
- Olfaction (smell; bad)
- Gustation (taste; meh)
- Tactility (touch; very good)
- Audition (hearing; very good)
- Magnetoreception (orientation/navigation; exists, but understudied)
Cetacean lens is spherical No ciliary muscles; cannot change shape for focusing
- To compensate, they can change the shape of their eye to see in air
- Circles of confusion
- when an infinitesimal dot on an object is not in focus, the focal point is slightly in front of or behind retina
- thus its image is spread as a (small) circle on the retina
Two pupils means they might have binocular vision in one eye! [1]
Brain is separated enough to move and focus eyes independently
Classical binocular vision from both eyes working in unison:
- forward-slightly-downward direction
- perhaps backward-slightly-upward direction
Color vision not well determined, but very good vision in dark
Diffusion is pretty slow in water (15 times slower)
Very poor sense of smell:
- mysticetes have poor sense of smell
- odontocetes have no sense of smell
Taste buds tend to be at the root/base of the tongue
- bitter (quinine) and sour (citric acid) are well-developed
- salinity (salt) is meh
- sugar (sucrose) is bad
Olfactory part of brain is developed, but attached to tongue receptors (so their taste is rewired to smell)
Overall highly acute, especially in following areas:
- 2.5cm around blowhole; any water will automatically shut it
- 2.5cm to 5cm around eye
- Lower jaw (sound and touch)
- Genitals and belly
Dolphins can "tickle" each other with their echolocation beam, but it's considered impolite to do so
May be responsible for mass strandings
Some humans and pigeons have very good magnetic detection
Sound and Hearing
Sound is our perception of vibrations in the air
- Condensation (compression): high pressure pushes out
- Refraction (rarefaction): low pressure pulls in
Velocity of sound depends on compressibility of medium:
- Greater density [2] and greater compressibility = slower speed
(Air: 340.29 m/s) × 4.5 = 1531.305 m/s
Wavelength is proportional to velocity and inversely proportional to frequency
Therefore, sound discrimination must have ears far apart (that's probably why dolphin brains are so stretched sideways—to get ears apart)
1000 Hz = 1 kHz
- wavelength in air = 0.34 m.
- wavelength in water = 1.5 m.
Dolphins use 100 kHz for echolocation: wavelength = 1531.305 m/s ÷s; 100,000 /s = 0.015 m = 1.5 cm
- This is their "pixel" size
Low frequencies go farther (very far) than high frequencies
Morphology / Physiologity
"No external ear... that would be a drag"
Reduced ear canal
3 ear bones similar to terrestrial mammals
- hang from ligaments
- more inlined (no amplification)
- not fused to skull
Time delay, loudness, and phase discrimination help us determine the direction of origin of sound
- Linked to jaw with fatty pad (insulation)
- tympanoperiotic complex
- periotic bone - cochlea inside
- Tympanic bone - 3 ossicles inside
Cochlea between vestibular and tympanic canals
- Longer basilar membrane
- More auditory ganglion cells
- Higher density of cochlear cells
Sound Production
Nasal plug muscle with two sides: one for clicks, one for whistles (even at same time)
three sets of paired sacs:
- premaxillary sac below the plug
- tubular sac above plug
- vestibular sac near blowhole
nasal plug vibrates up to 800 clicks per second
sacs inflate and can force air back and forth across nasal plug
pure tone whistle is vibration over nasal plug
sound bounces off skull and through melon
echoes received through lower jaw
Sound Basics
sound: compression and expansion of molecules in a medium (in the ocean, that medium is sea water.
- frequency ()
- number of cycles per second [/s] or [Hz]
- describes resolution and range
- wavelength ()
- distance between equal phases [m]
- speed of sound ()
- changes with temperature, salinity, pressure
- for our purposes,
In echolocation, increased frequency (and thus decreased wavelength) improves resolution.
Parameters of Sound
- energy ()
- intensity of signal; amplitude
- pressure ()
- impedance ()
- decibels [dB]
- units of sound, always a ratio relative to 1µPa (micropascal)
Types of Vocalization
- clicks
- rapid onset and decay
- pulses of sounds
- broad-band (lo to hi freq)
- click-trains
- rapidly occurring clicks
- flicker-fusion (ours for sight and sound is about 20 per second; dolphins can differentiate up to 800 clicks per second)
- used in echolocation
- used in communication (usually with some inflection or structure to them)
- whistle
- vibration of air
- longer duration
- sweeps through frequencies
- non-pulsed
- harmonics [3] as by-product
- fine line between click-trains and whistles since
Looking at Sound
- audiogram
- intensity vs. frequency
- indicates what can be heard by animals
- spectrogram
- frequency vs. time
- info contains: frequency bandwidth, duration of sound, and intensity (3rd dimension)
- slice gives amplitude vs. frequency
- waveform
- amplitude vs. time
Scientist of the Day
Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), Physicist
"I do not think that the wireless waves I think I have discovered will have any practical application."