CSCE 441 Lecture 32
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Subdivision Surfaces
- Assume surface is made of quads
- Any number of quads may touch a single vertex
- Linear subdivision and averaging
Polygon linear subdivision:
- midpoints of quad edges
- midpoint (centroid) of quad
- connect centroid to edge midpoints
Polygon averaging
- Find centroids of each quad
- move vertices of polygon to average of centroids of adjacent polygons
The resulting surface is C2-smooth except for points that did not have 4 quads touching it
def getVert(i1, i2):
if orderless key (i1, i2) not in hash # i.e. (i1,i2) == (i2,i1)
add midpoint of V[i1], V[i2] to newV
hash[(i1,i2)] = index of new point
return hash[(i1,i2)]
def linearSub(F,V):
newV = V
newF = []
for face in F:
for j in range(4):
midpointIndices[j] = getVert(face[j], face[j+1])
add centroid (average of midpointIndices) to newV and store index in c
for j in range(4):
add face (face[j], midpointIndices[j], c, midpointIndices[j-1]) to newF
return (newF, newV)
def average(F, V):
newV = zeroes(len(V))
valence = array of 0 whose size is number of vertices
newF = F
for face in F:
cent = centroid for face
newV[face] += cent
valence[face] += 1
for i in range(newV):
newV[i] = nevV[i] / valence[i]
return (newF, newV)
(in the context of real-time rendering)
Give us clues about depth and make scenes more realistic
- Simple/Planar shadows
- Shadow Maps
- Shadow Volumes
Simple/Planar Shadows
- Projection of an object onto planar surface
- Build projection matrix from light to plane
- Draw object in black using projection matrix
Fast, simple, but only works on planes and does not allow self-shadowing
Shadow Maps
Render scene from light's perspective
The map is the z-buffer from the light's rendering.
Render scene from viewer's perspective
For each pixel, transform to world space, and compare distance to value in shadow map.
- Pick a point visible to the user.
- Compare distance to light with value in z-buffer. If equal, not in shadow; if greater, in shadow.