CSCE 434 Lecture 11

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The Parser

Scanner produces lexemes, and the Parser takes these lexemes to produce the IL

"It takes the words and puts them into sentences"

  • Perform context-free syntax analysis (we'll add limited context later)
  • Guide context-sensitive analysis
  • Like the scanner, it should output meaningful error messages
  • Can attempt error-correction

It's even possible to compile high-level language back into a high-level language

SUIF - Stanford University Intermediate Format

  • reads in C and spits out C
  • Useful for research, but impractical

Context-Free Syntax

  • Terminal Symbols: the stuff retured by flex
  • Nonterminal Symbols: syntactic, structural "variables" that represent (sub)strings in the language
  • Start Nonterminal: Denotes the entire set of strings in the language specified by the language; can never appear on the RHS of a production rule
  • Production Rules: transformations in following format: single nonterminal on LHS, any combination of terminals and nonterminals on the RHS.

Grammars expressed in Backus-Naur format:

1. <goal> ::= <expr>
2. <expr> ::= <expr> <op> <expr>
3.          | number
4.          | id
5. <op> ::= +
6.        | -
7.        | *
8.        | /

Why context-free? They're easy to specify and easy to convert to DFA

Syntax-directed Translation:

  • If language is well-behaved (i.e. no goto statements), program can be represented with only a stack.
  • Otherwise, construction requires a graph.

CFGs are used to count:

  • open/close brackets
  • begin-end
  • if-then-else

Grammar for cc has 188 productions

The Parse

Recognizing x + 2 * y:

<goal> -> <expr>
       -> <expr> <op> <expr>
       -> <expr> <op> <expr> <op> <expr>
       -> <id,x> <op> <expr> <op> <expr>
       -> <id,x> + <expr> <op> <expr>
       -> <id,x> + <num,2> <op> <expr>
       -> <id,x> + <num,2> * <expr>
       -> <id,x> + <num,2> * <id,y>

We denote this as <goal> ⇒* x + 2 * y ("x+2*y" is a valid sentence in ), and the sequence of rules that gets us there (1,2,2,4,5,3,7,4) is called a parse

Two types of derivation:

  1. leftmost: only the leftmost non-terminal symbol is replaced at each step (as in this example)
  2. rightmost: only the rightmost non-terminal symbol is replaced at each step

Regular Grammars

Only rules of the following form are allowed:

<A> ::= a<A>
<A> ::= a

These are called type 3 grammars (according to Chomsky hierarchy)


Regular Grammars DFAs
LR Grammars Knuth's Algorithm
Arbitrary CFGs Early's algorithm

Parse Tree

Start is always the root

leaves are terminal symbols


Previous example would interpret x + 2 * y as (x+2)*y, which is wrong.

The following grammar is a corrected version that respects mathematical precedence:

1. <goal> ::= <expr>
2. <expr> ::= <expr> + <term>
3.          | <expr> - <term>
4.          | <term>
5. <term> ::= <term> * <factor>
6.          | <term> / <factor>
7.          | <factor>
8. <factor> ::= number
9.            | id

Syntax tree for x + 2 * y is now:

`-- expr
    |-- expr
    |   `-- term
    |       |-- factor
    |       |   `-- <id,x>
    |       |-- *
    |       `-- factor
    |           `-- <num,2>
    |-- +
    `-- term
        `-- factor
            `-- <id,y>