CSCE 434 Lecture 10

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Lecture Slides

Finite Automata

Deterministic (DFA)

Scanners are implemetned in deterministic [1] finite state machines (dfas)

dfa for even no of 0s and 1s:

CSCE 434 DFA Even 0s and 1s.svg

Equivalent Regular Expression: (00|11)*((01|10)(00|11)*(01|10)(00|11)*)*

dfas can be FAST! (when implemented on the computer)

Nondeterministic (NFA)

DFAs cannot recognize the empty string: The regular expression (a|b)*abb has multiple transition choices for a, and it could start with the empty String:

CSCE 434 NFA sample.svg

Such regular expressions can be recognized by a nondeterministic finite automaton (nfa)

A nfa accepts iff there is some path to an accept state.

DFAs are special cases of NFAs

  • NFAs can simulate DFAs (obviously)
  • DFAs can simulate NFAs (but can get very big)

Cycle of construction:

  1. Start with a Regular Expression
  2. NFA with ε moves (build NFA for each term and connect with epsilon moves)
  3. NFA (coalesce identical states)
  4. DFA (construct smulation; the subset construction)
  5. Construct regular expression (nontrivial!)

NFA to DFA Algorithm

Input: nondeterministic finite automaton N Output: equivalent (accepts same language) deterministic finite automaton D

let be a state in NFA and let a set of states. W e define the following procedures:

// set of NFA states reachable from NFA state s on epsilon-transitions alone
Set<State> epsilon_closure(State s);

// set of NFA states reachable from any NFA state s in T on on epsilon-transitions alone
Set<State> epsilon_closure(Set T);

// set of NFA states to which there is a transition on input symbol a from some NFA state s in T
Set<State> move(Set T, Token a);
State start = epsilon_closure(s[0]);
add Start unmarked to Dstates;
while (there exists an unmarked state T in Dstates) {
    for (Token a : tokens) {
        Set U = epsilon_closure(move(T,a))
        if (U not in Dstates) {
            add U to Dstates unmarked;
        Dtran[T,a] = U;

in DFA becomes a state that corresponds to a set of states in the NFA (coalescence).

  • There can be up to possible states in .
  • A state in is an accepting state if one or more of the states it represents in is accepting
Note: This is a common pattern in algorithms: create "lists" or "queues" of something to do, and stop when there's nothing left.

Minimum State DFAs

Every regular language recognized by a minimum-state DFA that is unique (up to state names).

Minimization algorithm:

  • Construct initial partition of states into accepting and non-accepting states
  • Successively refine partition by splitting a group into smaller groups if states in have transitions to different groups.
  • Update transition edges, remove dead (unreachable) states.

Next time, parsers!


  1. deterministic = not random; for each input, there is a single choice to go to the next state