CSCE 420 Lecture 9
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Choose random variable, set it to random value, and continue with remaining variables/values until constraint is violated (backtrack) or no variables remain (complete)
Forward Checking
Every time we make a choice (), we remove inconsistent values from domain of "neighboring" (in constraint graph) variables.
Constraint-Propagation: update the remaining choices of other nodes, and backtrack if any node has no choices left in domain.
Take advantage of heuristics by changing order of variables and values
- Minimum Remaining Values (MRV): Choose variable with fewest values remaining in domain; thereby reducing effective branching factor
- Least Constraining Value (LCV): Choose value that has least effect on neigboring variables
A constraint graph is arc-consistent if for every edge and for every value in the domain of , there is some value in the domain of that is consistent
For example, the following graph is arc-consistent:
X1 != X2 X1(0,1) ------------ X2(0,1) | | X1 != X3 | X3(0,1)
and the following graph is not:
X1 != X2 X1(0,1) ------------ X2(0,1) | | X1 != X3 | X3(1)
Algorithm: AC-3
Makes a graph arc-consistent by mantaining a queue of edges for the graph
def ac3 csp, start_node = nil
queue = start_node.nil? ? csp.graph.nodes[start_node].neighbors :
until queue.empty?
edge = queue.pop
# remove value v_i from csp.domain[edge.source] that do not have consistent choice in csp.domain[edge.domain]
return false if csp.domain[edge.source].empty? # inconsistent
edge.source.neighbors.each { |neighbor| queue.push, edge.source) }
return true # reduced domains
AC-3 does not solve constraint satisfaction problem, but it can be used:
- as a preprocessing agent (before search)
- interleaved between choice selections during search (Make Arc-Consistent (MAC))
Algorithm: Make Arc-Consistent
Time complexity
, where is the number of variables and is the max domain size.
Also depends on number of constraints (), so running time may actually be
MAC: Four Queens Problem
Pass 0: AC3 does nothing; complete constraint graph C = 3 Pass 1: init queue (A,C), (B,C), (D,C) pop (A,C) -- dom(A) \= {1,3} (note: \= is 'set-minus equal') push (B,A), (C,A), (D,A) pop (B,A) -- dom(B) \= {3} push (A,B), (C,B), (D,B) pop (A,B) -- no change pop (C,B) -- already done pop (D,B) -- no change pop (C,A) -- already done pop (D,A) -- already done pop (B,C) -- dom(B) \= {2,4} push (A,B), (C,B), (D,B) ... pop (D,C) ... return false C = 4 Pass 2: ...