CSCE 420 Lecture 10
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Happy Feast of St. Valentine!
CSP: Backtracking Search
Recursively and randomly assign values to variables; return up the recursion tree if we run into a problem.
Arc-Consistency Algorithm
for every value in each node, neighboring nodes always have a consistent value choice
- variables
- domain size
- constraints/edges for each var
- work to proceess each edge
- Total running time:
CSPs are NP-Complete, but AC3 does not solve the problem, it just reduces the domain.
Maintaining Arc Consistency (MAC)
Backtracking with an extra step: perform AC3 before recursing:
function Recursive-Backtracking(assignment, csp, domains) returns domains/failure if assignment is complete then return assignment var := Select-Unassigned-Variable(Variables[csp], assignment, csp) for each value in Order-Domain-Values(var, assignment, csp) do if value is consistent with assignment given Constraints[csp] then add {var = value} to assignment reduced_domains := AC3(assignment, csp) result := Recursive-Backtracking(assignment, csp, reduced_domains) if result != failure then return result remove {var = value} from assignment end if end for return failure
Other CSP Methods
- Conflicted-Directed Back-Jumping (c.f. [Chronological] Backtracking)
- Inference-Derived Constraints
- Max CSP: instead of trying to find a complete and consistent solution, optimize complete variable assignment that satisfies as many constraints as possible
function Min-Conflicts(csp, max_steps) return soln/failure current := complete, random initial variable assignment for i = 1 to max_steps do if current is a solution (satisfies all constraints) then return current var := randomly chosen conflicted variable val := value that minimizes Conflicts(var, val, current, csp) current := current union {var = val} end for return failure (or best assignment found)
Game Playing
Examples of competetive, multi-agent environments
In all previous examples, the agent had complete control of environment.
- In other problems, environment may not be compliant; may even be hostile
- Other agents working on their own and/or against other agents
Simplified to Two-player, Zero-sum games
- Operators: legal moves
- Goal: "win"
- Utility function: "payoff" = {1 if win, -1 if lose, 0 if draw}; Notice that
Nash Equilibrium Strategies
Policy: maps states to actions ( )
Minimax Search
Alternating minimum ( and maximum () nodes in a tree:
for a state ,
- if is a max node, then return the maximum child
- if is a min node, then return the minimum child
- if is a terminal node, end the game
function Minimax(state) returns action return actions.min_by {|a| Min-Value(result(state, a))} function Min-Value(state) if state is terminal then return u1(s) v := INFINITY for each action a in A v := min(v, Max-Value(result(state, a))) end for return v end function function Max-Value(state) if state is terminal then return u1(s) v := -INFINITY for each action a in A v := max(v, Min-Value(result(state, a))) end for return v end function