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No lecture last Friday due to bomb threat.
Randomized Algorithms
Verifying Polynomial Identity
def verify_polynomial_identity f, g
d = [f.degree, g.degree].max
r = (1..100*d).to_a.sample
f(r) == g(r)
The alogorithm reports that
are the same although they are different iff
is a root of the polynomial
A polynomial of degree
has exactly
roots, so choosing from
gives 1/100 chance for error.
We could reduce this even further by choosing a larger range of integers, but no matter how large, there will always be a small chance for error.
We could also run the algorithm
times, so the failure probability of failure for
independent events
Random Variables
More probability theory. (See :Category:STAT 211-507→)
be a σ-algebra over a sample space
. A random variable
is a function
such that
is an event in
for each
We write
for this event.
Allows us to describe events as preimages.
- Let
be the random variable denoting the sum of face values of a pair of dice. Then
is a shorthand for the event
- Let
be the random variable counting the number of heads during three subsequent coin tosses. Then
is shorthand for the event 
Discrete Random Variables
A random variable with a countable image, where
is an event.
Expectation Value
be a discrete random variable over probability space
The expectation value (or mean) of
is given by
denote the number of heads in three subsequent coin tosses.
Probabilities of event:
![{\displaystyle Pr[Y=0]=Pr[Y=3]={\tfrac {1}{8}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/675408eb252bae7f18e04338dc0dd011e7239d2c)
![{\displaystyle Pr[Y=1]=Pr[Y=2]={\tfrac {3}{8}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/2219a2709e019f1d1f4d0d3a37d3685bb04ba476)
Expected value
Linearity of Expectation
For random variables
and real numbers
Example: Hat Check Girl
persons give their hat to the hat check girl. The girl is upset and hands each person a random hat (where the hat is chosen uniformly at random). How many persons can expect to get their own hat back?
Sample space is
Allow subsets of
to be events such that σ-algebra
, the event
has the interpretation that
received his or her own hat. Therefore, by uniform distribution, the probability that any
receives his or her own hat is
Use random variable
if the
th person received his or her own hat back, and
The random variable
counts the number of persons receiving their own hat. By linearity,
So 1 person gets his or her own hat back, and the other
are in a riot outside the manager's office.
Bernoulli Distribution
Tossing a biased coin can be described by a random variable
that takes the value 1 if the outcome is heads and 0 if the outcome is tails. Assume that
Geometric Distribution
Suppose we keep tossing a biased coin that has Bernoulli distbibution with parameter
until heads event occurs. Let
be the number of coin flips needed in this experiment. We say that
is geometrically distributed with parameter
and th edensity is given as:
Example: Coupon Collection
The hat check girl is a compulsive coupon collector. Currently, she is collecting charming Hanny Potter characters that are contained in overpriced cereal boxes. There are
different characters and each box contains one character. How many boxes of cereal does she have to buy for a complete collection?
denote the number of boxes required to collect at least one character of each type.
Goal is to find
. Let
be the random variables counting the number of boxes that the hat-check girl buys to get the
th character after she has already collected
The probability to draw one of the remaining characters is
. Hence
is geometrically distributed with parameter
. Therefore
Linearity shows that