POLS 207 Lecture 20

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End Exam 3 Material

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extra office hours: Mon., Nov. 26, 08:30 to 13:00

No class next tuesday



it happens everywhere

People in power get to set the rules for when they are not

Heart of American Dream: hope and mobility

hope is what drives successful society


Texas Governor has significant authority

Court Cases

Know outcomes and results

Know how courts are structured: laws govern who wins and who loses (i.e. who carries the cost)

An appeals court can handle all but ...?

Bi- and Multivariate

Go with multivariate answer if question is ambiguous: multivariate is usually more accurate

Peter Principle

People are promoted to their level of incompetence

Protectionist systems (labor unions, tenure) make it difficult to fire poor-performing employees

Organizations willing to fire deadweight aren't affected by this.

Turkey farming: Firing by promotion

Measuring Data

How do we measure poverty? graduation? etc.

Affects results and interpretation