PHI 1301 Lecture 6
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The Guardian's Education
- Gods and heroes must be depicted a certain way by poets
- No emotional outbursts or displays of a lack of self-control
- No lamenting
- No anger
- No laughing (‽)
- No emotional outbursts or displays of a lack of self-control
- Self-sufficiency as an "ur-virtue"
- "root of all virtues"
- Stoicism?
This is not compatible with Christian Teaching. Even Jesus (who was God):
- wept over Lazarus and Jerusalem
- drove the moneychangers out from the temple
- enjoyed time with his disciples
Musical Education
Why is music important for Socrates? (401d–402a)
- "rhythm and harmony permeate the inner part of the soul more than anything else,"
- "affecting it most strongly and"
- "bringing it grace"
- "thereby making the person graceful"
- "anyone … properly educated in music and poetry will"
- "sense it acutely when"
- "something has been omitted from a thing and"
- "when it hasn't been"
- "finely crafted or"
- "finely made by nature"
- "has right distastes, will"
- "praise fine things"
- "be pleased by them"
- "receive them into his soul"
- "be nurtured by them to become fine and good"
- "Object to what is shameful"
- "hating it while he's still young and unable to grasp the reason"
- "will welcome [and recognize] reason when it comes"
- "because of its kinship with himself"
- "sense it acutely when"
For Next Time
- Read 403–417
- Gymnastics
- Phoenician Tale
For Following Time
- Read all of Bk. 4 (419–445)
- Complete city/soul chart (quiz?)