PHI 1301 Lecture 15

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End Exam 1 content

Review for Republic

  • Test Monday, 2019-10-04
  • Read the last paragraph.

Problem with Poets

3 kinds of maker 3 "crafts" for a thing
god/nature forms, ideal, truth use the truth of the thing
craftsman material things make good opinions of the truth
painter, poet images of material things imitate opinion that appeals to the delights of many

Legend/Fable/Tale of Er

  • Dies and comes back to life with a story of the underworld
  • People coming down and going up
    • to/from heaven - reward for doing more good than bad
    • to/from lower underworld - punishment for doing more bad than good
  • Assemble upon return
  • 3 goddesses
    1. assigned number in lottery
    2. pick a life, any life: it's yours
      • choice made solely on education received in previous life
    3. no turning back… zapped into chosen life

Be careful of your because they determine your :

  1. ideas
  2. words
  3. actions
  4. habits
  5. character
  6. destiny