MATH 470 Lecture 27

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End Exam 2 content

From the Practice Final

Prime Fields

Find , , in realized as

First Way

Tricks: While you can use Extended Euclidean Algorithm, you can do some faster trickery:

Key: , therefore and .

What if we can do the same thing with ?

Second Way

Easier way to figure out :

Third Way

Third way to find (Extended Euclidean Algorithm):

Look for polynomials with

Therefore and our inverse

Note: EEA is the safer method for more complicated inverses, e.g.

Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Suppose you would like to transmit "21" in an elliptic curve cipher via the elliptic curve . In particular, you will transmit the point. (note: 593 is prime)

We want to find a point , where .

Which would work?

Nothing more than a Jacobi square-root question in disguise!

0 210 228 -1
1 211 432 -1
2 212 123 1
3 213 493

So works

Elliptic Curves

(Not on practice final... yet)

Suppose you are trying to compute

on with

In particular, you observe


Suppose the last addition is undefined mod . Find a non-trivial factor of .

...what? (Sherlock Holmes moment where an addition is undefined and therefore we find a non-trivial factor)

If the addition is undefined, we must have is non-invertible mod .

In other words, , so one of the factors of the difference is a factor of , namely 26927 (or 63719)