MATH 470 Lecture 23

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Going back to last time, we defined an elliptic curve over is the zero set (including the point at infinity) in of a polynomial with

  1. the Newton polygon having exactly 1 point with integer coordinates in its interior.
  2. a smooth curve

Let's call this our 2nd definition.

Let our first definition be the zero set of a polynmial in weierstrass normal form (including the point at infinity)

3rd (classical) definition: A curve of genus one. So somehow, elliptic curves correspond to tori

So the number of interior lattice points in a Newton polygon is somehow related to the genus (under certain conditions).

What's a Genus

The classification of surfaces boils down to the number of holes (or number of handles, not that holes and handles are the same things...)

  • Genus 0: Imagine a sphere
  • Genus 1: Imagine a donut
  • Genus 2: Handcuffs
  • ...

A curve over is actually a surface over two real dimensions.

For example, zero set of in over is really just the zero set of the real part and the imaginary part.

Finite Fields

A finite field is any set of numbers closed on multiplicative inversion: all nonzero elements in the field have a multiplicative inverse in the same field.

For any prime , (also written ) is defined to be a field with elements. For example, .

Can be a field? No. (2 and 3 do not have inverses)

Finite fields need not have prime number of elements, only a prime power number of elements.

We'll study with for any prime (and elliptic curves over ).


We define as the set of polynomials in with coefficients in .

If , we derive

as polynomials mod .

(what's with these polynomials mod other polynomials?)

is just the polynomials in of degree less than that of with +, −, and × performed mod .


Addition Table
+ 0 1 x x+1
0 0 1 x x+1
1 1 0 x+1 x
x x x+1 0 1
x+1 x+1 x 1 0
Multiplication Table
× 0 1 x x+1
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 x x+1
x 0 x x+1 1
x+1 0 x+1 1 x
Note: Reducing mod means you declare , so

See that , , and are all well-defined, nonzero, invertible elements. Thus we have a realization of

What if we chose ?

Our multiplication table would be different:

Multiplication Table
× 0 1 x x+1
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 x x+1
x 0 x 1 x+1
x+1 0 x+1 x+1 0

Note that makes no sense.


We call irreducable iff implies that or . In other words, has no non-trivial factorization.

Example 1

is irreducable over .

Proof. Indeed, if had a non-trivial factorization (other than const × degree 2), then it must factor as .

Then means that has a root in . But the squares in are 0 and 1. vanishes at neither, so is irreducable.


However, is reducable over

  • :
  • :
Fact: can be realized as for any irreducable of degree .

Example 2

can be realized as :

Deciding Realizations

Which realization you use is very important in practice.

The Intel 8051 is a chip with 256 bytes of onboard RAM running at 12 MHz, used in some smart cards around 2000. This is an incredible hardware limitation, and operations can take a significant amount of time and power if the field realization is not chosen carefully.

Here's a table for the number of cycles needed to multiply two field elements:

Field Number of Cycles

Upshot: Picking the right is key to going faster and saving power


We call an irreducable primitive iff has a primitive element for as one of its roots (generator).


is primitive over . In particular, observe the powers of in

We've realized and with an explicit generator for .

Note: is comparable to : nonzero elements of the referenced collection
Note: not all irreducible are primitive: is irreducable in but not primitive


is irreducible over and has only 3 terms. Therefore, powering is much faster.

For example, . If we worked mod a non-sparse polynomial, we'd get

So what's so good about curves over ?
Elliptic curves can be used to factor integers!

Factoring with Elliptic Curves

Classical factoring algorithms worked with arithmetic in or for some prime . Working with elliptic curves over gives more flexibility

The number of elements in is . The number of elliptic curves in the same field is

Hasse's Theorem


If is the number of points on an elliptic curve over ,

And, for any such , there is a curve over with that many points.