MATH 470 Lecture 20

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Provably Good Hash Function

Why do we care about hash functions?

  • Vital for signatures (sign a message digest instead of the whole message)
  • message padding
  • Error-checking

Chaum, Van Hiejst, Pfitzman, 1992:

Following construction is strongly-collision-resistant, assuming discrete log is hard:

  1. Find large prime with also prime.
    • in practice, pick and then check if is prime
    • easy via Prime Number Theorem and assumption of randomness of primes: for 100-digit number, there are approx. primes in .
  2. Pick 2 (distinct) generators and for
  3. is defined by , where are the base- numbers of
    • Converting from digits to digits.
"provably good"
Too inefficient for practical applications
Only halves the number of digits
In practice, a simpler (Ad-Hoc) construction is used: SHA-1


Proposition. is (2) pre-image resistant and (3) strongly-collision-resistant.

Proof. Let's prove (3) first.


  • discrete logarithm is not computable in polynomial time.
  • we can find with in polynomial time.

If we find such and , then we have


Now since is a generator for , for some we don't know.

In fact, is the discrete log of to the base , mod .


This congruence has a solution for iff .

So what can that GCD be?

by construction, so

Also, , so the GCD is either 1 or 2, , or . and are too big, so only 1 and 2 remain.

Solution can now be found in poly time: Just try solutions!

We've just found the discrete log!

Now if then and . CONTRADICTION!

Therefore, if is not strongly-collision-resistant, then the discrete logarithm must be easy!

(2) is easy to prove, but we'll get to that later.


Pseudo-Random Generators

"Something even more fundamental"

Polynomial Congruential

One of Simplest PRGs: Linear congruential:

This "smells" random, but is terribly insecure: If you can find 3 consecutive s, then you can easily find and :

Linear system is solvable given

In fact, any polynomial congruential generators are insecure due to predictability.

Blum-Blum-Shub Random Bit Generator

More Sophisticated:

  1. Pick large primes and with , let , and pick a random [1] Let seed be
  2. </math>x_{n+1} = x_n^2 \pmod{n}</math> Return be the last bit of .


Assume computing Jacobi symbol is not doable in polynomial time. Then the BBS Bit Generator is indistinguishable from a truly random bit stream, by any polynomial time algorithm.

Note: In modern analysis, how much time do you wish to invest to prove randomness?

Random numbers have certain properties according to probability

Elliptic Curves

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is already being used in smart cards in Europe as an extra layer of security.

Using RSA, high security implies huge keys and slow computation

ECC allows "high security" using 300-bit keys (maybe equiv 4000-bit RSA key)

Idea: work with a more general "group" than or . Instead, ECC uses points on a curve over a finite field.


  1. It's odd that we need to pick a random number for a random number generator...