MATH 470 Lecture 2

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Fundamental Theorem of Arithmatic

Any can be written as for pairwise distinct primes and



If with = 1 and

Extended Euclidean Algorithm

Output: and with

  1. Form matrix
  2. Use elementary column operations (only allowing divisions by ≠ 1) to reduce to
  3. You have your answers , , and



Rewrite as . Find and such that

Therefore, all of the following are true:

Complexity: Lame's Theorem

Number of column operations needed is ≤ 5 × number of digits in smaller number

Theorem on Congruences

Given any , the congruence has exactly solutions when and no solutions otherwise


has solutions .

How would we have known?

  1. find via Extended Euclidean Algorithm (; )
  2. divide out equation by ()
  3. solve equation above ()
  4. solutions are:


First note that implies no solutions.

Indeed implies for some .

, so leads to a contradiction.

For example, cannot be solved since is even and is odd.

Let's assume

if , and is any solution to , so is for any


Moreover, are clearly distinct mod

It's enough to consider

To conclude, has only one solution.

Now suppose if there are two solutions and , then we get

, so since divides the RHS, it also divides the LHS



CAS Stuff


> (* Matrices *)
> M := matrix([[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]]);


sage: # Affine Ciphers == of the form: f(x) = a*x + b (mod 26)
sage: A = AffineCryptosystem(AlphabeticStrings());
sage: P = A.encoding("Hey! How's it going?");
sage: a,b = (9,13);
sage: cipher = A.enciphering(a,b,P);

Solving Linear Systems

(mod an integer)

Put into an augmented matrix

First operation would be to subtract 7/2 times the first row from the second row... TROUBLE! What's 1/2 mod 26? (undefined)

2 options

  1. Do gaussian elimination without dividing by two (similar to E.E.A.)
  2. Use adjoints

First Option

We can invert -1/7 mod 26:

Second Option

Cramer's rule

We only have to invert 7, which is relatively prime to 26, so it is possible.


You can solve for any matrix of integers and any vector of integers when