MATH 417 Lecture 6

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Find of degree such that given samples of .

  1. There is a unique

Iterative Process for Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial

Given ,

  1. interpolates at : for
  2. interpolates at : for

Can we find ? Paul Neville did.

Conditions: and Hence

  1. At iteration , our interpolations of each point are the constants
  2. At iteration , our interpolations of each consecutive pair of points are linear
  3. At iteration , our interpolations of each consecutive triple of points are quadratic
  4. etc.
  5. until we combine all points into

However, this method is unstable (especially when points are close together, and in the product has much roundoff error)

Newton's Formula for

Given , we can find

  1. .

Observe that as

Where is the coefficient of in .

We know from above that

We can extract

In general, when the points coincide, we take the Taylor series.

Applying this to Neville's iterative method, we find

In General,



x f(x) f[.,.] f[.,.,.] f[.,.,.,.] f[.,.,.,.,.] f[.,.,.,.,.,.]
0  4
1  1             9/2
          6              -17/6
2  7              -4                  11/12
         -2                5/6                     -3/20
3  5            -3/2                    1/6
         -5                3/2
4  0               3
5  1


We could have interpolated the polynomial in reverse:

Since is unique, forwards and backwards methods (and Lagrange's) must give the same result.

Example 2

This cannot be interpolated by Lagrange's method

0 1 2
2 1 2
-1 1

Goal: Find such that and .

x f(x) f[.,.] f[.,.,.] f[.,.,.,.] f[.,.,.,.,.]
0  2
0  2              0
         -1                 2
1  1              2                   -3/2
          1                -1
1  1              0
2  2
Note: If we are given the -th derivative of at a point, we repeat that point times in the table. Conversely, if we want to repeat a point times in the table, we need the values of the -th derivative at that point

Therefore .


3.3: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15