MATH 417 Lecture 4

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Error Estimation

Ideally, we have as . However

With bisection, we have

With fixed point iteration, we have , so

In both cases, the error ratio is greater than 0. It would be very nice if it converges to 0.


If , then the convergence order of is .

  • is 1st-order
  • is 2nd-order
  • is 3nd-order

For example, the following is an order-2 sequence:

If , then , , ,

Hence and by the definition above, .

Newton's method is one such order-2 sequence.

Analysis of Quiz Problem


Using Newton's method, , so

To analyze, we find , but more importantly, !

If we compute , we find is bounded above by some and bounded below by because the function is concave-up.

Taylor series expansion of centered at p:

If we take , we find is between and

Solving for yields


Analysis of Newton's Method

So far we have assumed that

If is smooth, then Newton's method is 2nd order convergent (if it works)

If , then converges to , which seems impossible because we would be dividing by zero, but in practice we never reach this point computationally.

In this case, Newton's method becomes a 1st-order convergent method.