MATH 417 Lecture 26

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End Exam 2 content

Pre-Exam Discussion

  • 6 problems total for possible score of over 100 (but 100 is perfect)
  • 1-2 problems from first exam's sections

Chapter 5

Initial Value Problem (IVP): , and for .

Is the IVP well-posed?

  1. domain should be convex: — you should be able to draw straight line that never leaves the set between any two points .
  2. is continuous in
  3. is Lipschitz with respect to , i.e. .
    Theorem. , then is Lipschitz with Lipschitz constant .

Numerical Methods

Over interval with sample points, we define

Let , where , with

Rule is of form:

Euler's Method

Approximate by left endpoint riemann rule: .

Modified Euler's Method

Approximate by trapezoidal rule: .

Midpoint Method

Approximate by midpoint rule: .

Heun's Method

Too complicated for exam.


, and

This is well-posed:

  • domain of RHS is entire real plane

Let's use Modified Euler...

Chapter 6

(skip linear algebra review)

We wish to find and such that :

Standard Gaussian elimination sets the pivot elements equal to 1, and this requires a little extra modification to find . If we stick with just elementay operation #3 (adding a multiple of one row to another), then computation of is easy:

Elementary matrix 3 is given by : this will add times row to row . The -th entry of the identity matrix is . Computing the inverse is incredibly straightforward:

Positive Definite Matrices

Theorem. A matrix is positive definite if and only if the determinants of all the minors of are positive:


From these constraints, we get

Cholesky [sp?] Factorization

Given symmetric matrix , find such that .

To get this, perform LU decomposition, but replace diagonal pivot elements of with (and multiply the corresponding column by ).



This is often called the square root of a matrix, since the closest we can get to an abstract "square" of any matrix (of any size) is .

Matrix Norms

All norms discussed here are called "native"

Defined as , but this is a pain to compute. We settle for the following theorems:

  1. , where is the largest magnitude eigenvalue.

Theorem. is a norm if is positive definite.

Proof. By definition, is a norm if and only if it satisfies the following:

  1. , and if and only if .
  2. for all constants
  3. , which holds iif and only if the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality ().

Since is symmetric, we can find such that . thus

We know this norm is always greater than and equal to zero only when .



quod erat demonstrandum


Find norm of

Eigenvalues are found by

So , and

Chapter 8

Given , approximate .

To do this, we find the best least squares fit (i.e. minimize Euclidean distance) , where .

Normal equations given by

  • Given continuous functions, the inner product is given by
  • Given point samples, the inner product is given by