MATH 417 Lecture 11

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Section 4.1: Numerical Differentiation

Given some points , , and , approximate using the values , , and within accuracy.

Taylor Method:

To cancel the term, we need to multiply the first equation by 16 and subtract the equations. Doing so yields

Now we solve for :

Section 4.3: Numerical Integration

Given an interval , we want to find .

To do this, we must find a rule with the least degree of accuracy (DAC) such that the approximation is equivalent for polynomials of degree .

Hence we get the system

The solution: , , and

Hence the approximation is equal for polynomials of degree 2:


This approximation does not work for polynomials of degree 3 because is "approximated" to be 0, but is actually positive.

Shifted and Scaled Interval

Using the previous approximation, we want to approximate . The interval maps correspondingly:

We keep the same coefficients, but multiply by the ratio of the new interval length to the old:

We keep the same degree of accuracy (i.e. 2) because shifting and scaling is just a linear change of variables.

We can find an alternate rule if we keep the other endpoint (i.e. 10):

Composite Simpson's Rule

As done by Stirling (ca. 1730)

Simpson's rule:

This rule is exact for polynomials of of up to degree 3, hence DAG = 3

We are going to need the following theorem:

Theorem. [Intermediate Value Theorem]. let and be continuous functions with (without loss of generality) on an interval . Then

If ,

Proof. (omitted)

quod erat demonstrandum

Given , we interpolate at , , , and (Find ).

The first 3 terms are the Lagrange interpolating polynomial , and the third is "more" ... something to do with .


Now , so we're left with the integral of the interpolating polynomial :

Computing the Error


Let , and

Then by the intermediate value theorem.

Let and , then

Therefore, the error is

Composite Rule

Suppose we apply Simpson's rule times (hence we need points) over a large interval . In other words, we take sub-intervals of that have equal length.

Where .

Simplifying the expression above gives

The error of this composite is given by
