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Let , where is a group.
The order of a group is the number of elements in the group. It could be:
- infinite ()
- finite natural number ()
The order of an element in the group is the firlt such that .
Cyclic Groups
Cyclic groups are groups that can be generated by a single element:
This cyclic group generated by is isomorphic to:
- if
- if
Abelian Groups
for all .
This is true if and only if for all .
Other Properties of Abelian Groups:
- Nilpotent
- Solvable
- Polycyclic
- Amenable
- T-Property
Generating Sets
Back to linear algebra: Let a group be a vector space
Spanning set: set of all vectors that can be formed from a linear combination of vectors in a given set:
Spanning set forms a subspace of .
Generating set is the corresponding notion of a Spanning set in group theory
Generating set generates the whole group: i.e. if .
Basis: Another fundamental vector space notion in linear algebra.
Generators are corresponding group theory notions
Let be the free group on generators formed by distinct product of generators (i.e. no possible cancellations)
For example
It is obvious that is a generating set of . In general, if cardinality of generating set , then is a basis.
Moreover, if and are both bases for , then a map defined by can be expanded to an isomorphism (automorphism) .
Hence is a member of the group of automorphisms .
To continue, is a normal subgroup [1]
Now we can take factor group
Suppose that is an -generated group. That is , where is a generating set.
A relator forms a word
Suppose , where is a set of words.
Then Failed to parse (unknown function "\bigsqcap"): {\displaystyle G = \left\langle a_1, \ldots, a_g, b_1, \ldots b_g ~\mid~ \bigsqcap_{i=1}^g [a_i,b_i] = 1 \right\rangle \simeq \pi_1(S_g)}
( is of genus ).
Free Abelian Groups
is a free abelian group of rank .
is an abelian -generated group (generating set has cardinality ).
Then a basis for consists of
Thus we can construct and then expand it to .
Exam Review
Actions on a Set
(or in abelian groups) are cosets (disjoint sets of equal cardinality)
Index of subgroup in group:
Direct product
the order of elemet is LCM of orders of in .
Finitely Generated Abelian Groups
If is a finitely generated abelian group, then it is isomorphic to a direct product of the form
Where are prime numbers. This decomposition is unique up to the ordering of factors.
In particular, if is finite, then
Other Topics
- Rings
- Fields
- Characteristic
- Zero Divisors
- 19.3
- 20.6: Set of non-zero divisors form subgroup and order .
- Fermat's Theorem
- 20.10
- 20.12
- Cor 23.6: is a cyclic group.
- ↑ if and only if for all (conjugation of elements in subgroup are exactly those elements